Remnants of Naezith Update - February 17, 2018

Remnants of Naezith

With the powers granted to him by the dragon, Kayra will destroy the Remnants of Naezith, enchanted fragments of the dragon's body, to prevent anyone from exploiting their power for evil. Rush and swing through levels to top the leaderboards in this fast-paced, grappling hook precision platformer.

[list] [*]Fixed [b]A wet level name[/b] level had desyncing mastery ghost. [*]Fixed [b]Classy[/b] level had a ghost tile. [*]Fixed [b]Techy[/b] level checkpoint trigger areas were at bad places. [*]Added [b]Disable Gamepad Sticks[/b] setting to Controls. [*]Fixed last levels of chapters had wrong border color. [*]Fixed speedrun truncation for IL PB submissions were creating IL replays which desync. [*]Fixed Detective achievement was unlocking earlier than it should. [*]Fixed fetching new ghost after PB & Reset was making timer go too far after freeze. [*]Refresh button now fetches the rank again, just in case. [*]Fixed leaderboard cache was breaking when you return to start from after 100 pages. [*]Probably fixed the hook indicator lag. [*]Fixed rank and dominance texts in leaderboards were overlapping. [*]Added [b]Respawn Effect[/b] to Graphics Settings. [*]Fixed input helpers were not in the center of the screen. [*]Fixed DASH text in Ponddle was not localized. [*]Made leaderboards wider. [*]data/user/settings file is not shared via Steam Cloud anymore. [*]Fixed All Chapter Completion achievement was not completing. [*]Swapped HOOK and JUMP in Input Indicator. [*]Fixed Dominance % difference in leaderboard was wrong sometimes. [/list]