Release Trailer is out!

Dude, Stop

"So, I made a game, right? I filled it with harmless funny puzzles, narrated it a little bit, and then players started making fun of it! They broke the game, ignored my rules! They... they... laughed at me! As if it was some kind of a joke! Why do they have to be so mean?!" - developer of Dude, Stop

The game is coming out in just 2 days, so get a look at the [b]Release Trailer[/b] featuring all the features! [img][/img] [h1]RELEASE TRAILER[/h1] Before you see the trailer, let us tell you a story about how we got the idea for the game, or how many times we thought about ... Nah, I’m kidding! Let’s just dive in!! [url=]→ Trailer ← [/url] [h1]PRICE[/h1] [i]The price for the Dude, Stop will be 12.99€ or 14.99$ with a 10% launch discount for the first week.[/i] And before you take out your pitchforks, just remember that we have [url=]2 contests[/url] running, where you can get a [b]FREE COPY[/b] of the game! But in all seriousness, we tried to make the price as low as we could allow it. And before you say “but your game has pixels instead of real art”, just remember that the game is about Voice interactions, and making that Voice angry. Where else can you find something like that?! Exactly! Read the full statement here: [url=]Latest blog post[/url] [h1]CONCLUSION[/h1] Tradings cards are finished, achievements are implemented, the game is play-tested daily, Steam approved our game, and even the Release Trailer is out!!... What’s the next logical step?! That’s right - release the game in 2 days, on [u]June 1st[/u]! We hope to see you all there! And bring friends, yeah!! [img][/img] 99% can’t even click these links. Can you?! Are you special?! PROVE US: [url=]Discord Server[/url], [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url], [url=]Instagram[/url] and: