Localization (RU and UA)

Dude, Stop

"So, I made a game, right? I filled it with harmless funny puzzles, narrated it a little bit, and then players started making fun of it! They broke the game, ignored my rules! They... they... laughed at me! As if it was some kind of a joke! Why do they have to be so mean?!" - developer of Dude, Stop

Dude, Stop now has 2 more languages: [b]Russian[/b] (RU) and [b]Ukrainian[/b] (UA)! That’s basically all for now, but before we sign off, let’s say [i]“Thank you”[/i] to the author of both translations: [list] [*]Max Scherbina (“look” on our [url=https://discord.gg/SdWBfVS]Discord[/url] server) [/list] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27371218/dcccb0f3979623f964b096ffb3302576e1a4cbe6.png[/img] Now, back to work! (Unknown work! Don’t ask yet! We are easily scared!)