Release Notes for v1.0.7.3

RPG in a Box

Bring your stories and ideas to life! RPG in a Box lets you create games and other interactive experiences in a fun and simple way!

RPG in a Box v1.0.7.3 is out! This release brings hitscan weapons to free movement! 🥳 Check out this game clip from community member thomas - so cool to see it in action already! 😍 [previewyoutube=oPDix-Lh7dQ;full][/previewyoutube] View the full release notes below: [b]Free Movement Updates:[/b] [list] [*] Added initial support for hitscan ranged weapons to free movement (instant/direct damage weapons, with projectile weapons coming later) [*] Added "sprint" as a predefined animation name that will automatically play whenever the player character is sprinting [*] Added "Fire Mode" option to the Combat Editor to set the default method by which the player's attacks can be triggered (single vs. automatic) [*] Added "Fire Mode" option to the Item Editor to set the method by which a weapon item can be triggered when used (single vs. automatic) [*] Added "Collision Override" option for characters in the Voxel Editor to allow use of the new collision shape functionality [*] Added "Collision Debugging" setting to the "Quick Play" section of the Editor Settings dialog for displaying collision shapes in-game [*] Added support for "player.direction" to allow setting of the player character's direction via script (e.g. player.direction = NORTH) [*] Added button to the Voxel Editor toolbar for toggling the display of collision shapes when the model is using a custom collision override [*] Updated camera smoothing in third-person free movement to be snappier when tracking the player character's movements [*] Fixed issue where the player character would walk in place if holding multiple movement keys at once that should cancel each other out [*] Fixed issue where the attack animation override for a weapon wasn't being applied unless the player was directly attacking an enemy [*] Fixed issue where collision wasn't being properly created for characters added via enemy spawns or the "Add Character" scripting function [*] Fixed issue where characters configured as passable were colliding with the player character instead of letting them pass through [*] Fixed issue where the mouse cursor was not being hidden after opening and then closing the pause menu while in first-person mode [*] Fixed issue with the "jump" debug console command no longer working and changed the expected velocity value to be in voxels/second to match the editor [/list] [b]New Features/Changes:[/b] [list] [*] Added "Attack Cooldown" setting to the Voxel Editor for customizing the cooldown per character ("Default" uses the global cooldown configured in the Combat Editor) [*] Added "Attack Cooldown" setting to the Item Editor for customizing the cooldown of a specific weapon item (can use global default, character default, or custom value) [*] Added "Object Model (View Model)" setting to the Item Editor for specifying the object to attach to the view model (if present) when the item is equipped [*] Added "Spawn Script" setting for enemy spawns in the Combat Editor that's triggered whenever an enemy is generated ("self" will contain a reference to the character) [*] Added "On Open Script" setting for item containers that will run before the container UI is displayed to the player (available on the Entity Properties tab) [*] Added "When Player Collides" behavior setting for NPCs that's triggered when the player collides with the NPC (with initial option to run a script) [*] Added ability to customize the font and font size for widget titlebars (available on the Widget Properties tab below the "Titlebar Text" setting) [*] Updated model animation functionality to automatically play the same animation for any objects attached to that model when one is triggered [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed issue where equipment objects were not being attached to the first-person view model when equipped via the "Equip Item" scripting function [*] Fixed issue where attached objects would sometimes display in the wrong position when an animation was played for the attachment or certain offsets were used [*] Fixed issue where the default scale for billboard sprite characters was not being applied when spawned via enemy spawns or the "Add Character" scripting function [*] Fixed issue where the default scale for billboard sprite objects was not being applied when added via the "Add Object" scripting function [*] Fixed issue where the built-in player health bar was not displaying the correct value after loading a saved game where their health had changed [*] Fixed issue where enemy health bars would sometimes reappear at incorrect locations after damaging the enemies then dying and restarting the game [*] Fixed issue where enemy health bars would not display when returning to a map with previously damaged enemies until one was damaged again [*] Fixed issue where hitboxes for billboard sprites were not being adjusted to the correct size when using a scale other than the default [*] Fixed issue where the details for a loot drop item would sometimes not display after deleting an item from the loot drop in the Combat Editor [*] Fixed issue where the currency amount wouldn't display on the default inventory widget when using a custom name for the base currency [*] Fixed issue where the base currency would be missing from the list after clearing out a previously assigned custom name for the base currency [*] Fixed issue where some settings were being inadvertently changed when switching between behavior presets in the Game Configuration dialog [*] Fixed issue where the "Collision Shapes" section would sometimes not display when using the "Custom" collision override option for objects in the Voxel Editor [*] Fixed issue where the settings area for collision shapes would incorrectly stay visible after changing the collision override option from "Custom" to another option [*] Fixed issue where the collision shape color box was not updating for the currently opened object after changing the default collision color (if using default) [*] Fixed issue where modifying editor settings when a model was open that used custom collision without any shapes defined could cause an error in the console window [*] Fixed issue where mouse input from certain widget elements could potentially interfere with other UI elements (e.g. inadvertently progressing dialogue) [*] Fixed issue where the player was unable to move up and down (i.e. only left or right) when the management screen was disabled and their inventory was open [*] Fixed issue where the player was inadvertently able to move left and right and interact with objects/characters via spacebar while the management screen was open [*] Fixed issue where signal errors would sometimes display in the console window if an enemy was damaged multiple times in a row in quick succession [*] Fixed issue where the "Wait" scripting function was inadvertently displaying twice in the list of available functions in the Script Editor [*] Fixed issue with missing localization text for the skill slot description that's displayed when selecting the skill slot element on the Widget Tools tab [/list] [b]Documentation:[/b] [list] [*] Added initial version of built-in docs for the "Add Waypoint" scripting function and fixed issue with its link incorrectly opening "Add To Group" [*] Updated "Give Item" and "Remove Item" built-in docs to include info about the optional parameter for specifying the target character [*] Updated "NPC Behavior" built-in docs to include the new "collide_with_player" setting that's triggered when the player collides with an NPC [*] Fixed issue with missing localization text for the "Pushing" topic that's displayed in the main index list of the documentation viewer [/list]