Release Note for 1.0.0-preview.1

Discord Bot Builder

Discord Bot Builder is an interactive program with a friendly user interface to help people without programming skills to create their Discord bots.

[h3]Changelog:[/h3] [list] [*] Made the old bot project (v0.3.2) work in v1.0.0-preview [*] Made Block textbox expand when resizing it [*] JSON files are readable now [*] Fixed "Run Bot" menu option [*] Fixed workspace not resizing when making changes to Block's multiport or changing the values on "Workspace Items" tab [*] Slightly improved the workspace performance [*] Decreased the zoom magnitude [*] Fixed big workspaces having their Block connections out of position [*] Fixed bot.js not working [*] Added Czech translation by Martin Skalicky and Polish translation by Domin0221 [*] Added "Selection" menu [*] Added scroll to Block options [*] Changed left click to open workspace directly and right click to open workspace preview [*] Fixed "Open Recent" submenu [/list]