[h1]Patch Notes[/h1]
[h3]Update 0.03.00[/h3]
[h2]GREEN GRUBS[/h2]
Green Grubs, are a new permanent currency for unlocks. They drop from bosses and are used to get permanent upgrades/unlock more upgrades. Right now they're work in progress, but you can collect them to your hearts content. They're saved between sessions, so they really mean something.
They come with a nice tracker right above your worms too.
You will get even more Green Grubs from winning. Yes, there will be a wincon soon! Something like defeat 5 bosses -- of course with the option to go endless.
[h3]Enemies can't hide, and neither can you![/h3]
There's an ant hiding here :)
[h3]Easier, safer rooms[/h3]
I adjusted some rooms to avoid getting hit on entering, and make some maps easier. For example the crazy criss-cross laser beam room now has a wall blocking the bottom laser:
[*] Now, rooms get cleared before a boss spawns, and before a shop spawns. I thought it would be fun variety to have them spawn in random rooms, but it's just buggy and hard to work with, sadly.
[*] Disable traps (lasers) upon clearing the room.
[*] Health pickups can no longer spawn before room 3 (no getting scammed).
[*] Significantly reduced the spread of 'Chaingun'.
[*] Made 'Bounce' only bounce off obstacles, that way 'Piercing' works better.
[*] Added a knockback effect to 'Dash Aura'.
[*] On-hits trigger on obstacles again (Sorry I broke this when I fixed 'Bounce').
[*] Added sound effect to health pickup spawn (same as upgrade spawn for now), adds just a little bit more enjoyment.
[h2]Boss Bar[/h2]
Yup, added a boss bar. I was debating it, but then I remember TBOI has it, so I figured I should too.
Also, the Mantis boss is now called "Meat Harvester."
[h2]Upcoming Enemies[/h2]
There's another boss coming soon called [spoiler]King of Worms[/spoiler] but [spoiler]he's really a snake.[/spoiler]
It's certainly going to be a lot more of a traditional boss fight than the Meat Harvester Mantis, but Mantis' move-set will be getting some love pretty soon.
There's an anthill coming soon too. Obviously it spawns ants. This will be the first spawner-type enemy.
It's a very early work in progress.
[h2]Balance Changes (non-QOL)[/h2]
Meat Harvester boss moves twice as fast, and is a lot smaller
Nerfed 'Top 1%' by a lot (it was way too strong sorry) - It now grants 1% of your worms as damage, per level, instead of 5%.
[h2]Other Changes[/h2]
[*] Slightly modified wall texture, and some bugfixes with the sprite sorting on it
[*] Adjusted ground color to be darker, just looks better.
[*] Fixed upgrade requirements to actually work correctly. My bad.
[*] Changed font for numbers to Chewy.
[*] Renamed "More AOE" to "Big AOE"