Rejuvan Patch v0.7.1 - Performance, Swimming and Quests


Make money, rejuvenate, repeat. Find about all wonder of this modern factory game in which your whole purpose is making money. Watch out for any surprising unnatural weather-related events as they may greatly impact your game experience.

This update brings a few things: - The character now looks like the default Unreal Engine character for performance (will add a custom character similar to the old one but more performant) - You can now swim above water, although this is a bit messy - Added a distance relevancy tick interval modification system (fancy way for making things for performant the further away they are from the player) - Added a Recover Quests button (basically just gives you the first quest back (please don't abuse it, just use it when it is absolutely needed)) - Slightly changed the coloring for text and buttons - Added an outline for items in the shop (looks a bit weird for now)