Rejuvan Patch v0.5.3


Make money, rejuvenate, repeat. Find about all wonder of this modern factory game in which your whole purpose is making money. Watch out for any surprising unnatural weather-related events as they may greatly impact your game experience.

This is a small update with some pretty big implications. I. Backpack You may now pick up ores from the ground and put them in your backpack. While in the backpack, ores can be thoroughly inspected and analyzed, seeing almost all stats related to them. The backpack can be opened from the menus. II. UI Changes After seeing too many people struggle with finding the quests menu, I moved all menus in the main menu found by pressing ESC. III. Casual bug fixes - Finally solved the shop duplication bug - Fixed the money notification showing your current amount instead of the gained amount - Shop locks no longer appear on previously unlocked items UNFIXED KNOWN ISSUES: - Client conveyors are moving in the wrong directions - Probing data doesn't save on quit Thank you for reading this