Registration for the Spring Nascar Cup 2021 is OPEN!

TrackMania² Stadium

TrackMania² Stadium is the return of the popular Stadium environment enjoyed by millions of players with TrackMania Nations Forever. Now part of the ManiaPlanet environment, Stadium allows for improved services around the game, better graphics and a powerful track editor.

[img][/img] SNC is back this year for the 6th edition! Project Nascar Evolution (PNE) is pleased to present the Spring Nascar Cup 2021! The SNC is a Trackmania tournament in Nascar style. * The cup will be played on TrackMania 2 Stadium. * Registration is open from Saturday 15th May to Saturday 5th June. * Starts on Sunday 6th June with the Opening Event and the first mappack release. * Team mode 3vs3 Prizes : 1st team - 150€ 2nd team - 100€ 3rd team - 50€ Happy Gaming! Reposted from [url=][/url]