🏆 Here are the 8 champions qualified for the PlayOffs in Lyon, February 28th!

TrackMania² Stadium

TrackMania² Stadium is the return of the popular Stadium environment enjoyed by millions of players with TrackMania Nations Forever. Now part of the ManiaPlanet environment, Stadium allows for improved services around the game, better graphics and a powerful track editor.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/FgjV5UU.jpg[/img] Semi-final 1: Papou CarlJr Kappa Tween Semi-final 2: Riolu Aurel Scrapie Spam We wish them all the best of luck! Congratulations to all players for their great participation! GG to all streamers for their live streamings during all steps! See you in Lyon! You can buy tickets here: [url=https://www.lyon-esport.fr/billetterie/]https://www.lyon-esport.fr/billetterie/[/url]