Lost Planet 2, the sequel to Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition, the landmark third-person shooter that sold over 2.3 million units worldwide, is now available on Steam!
===AUGUST 23, 2017===
Lost Planet 2's Games for Windows Live keys have been replenished and the "Add to Cart" button has been reinstated on the Steam Store page. We appreciate your patience and support.
[strike]===AUGUST 7, 2017===
Hello [i]Lost Planet[/i] fans,
We apologize for the removal of [i]Lost Planet 2's[/i] "Add to Cart" button on the Steam Store page. This removal is temporary as we work on replenishing the Games for Windows Live (GFWL) keys that are supposed to come with purchases of the game. We will issue an update to this announcement once GFWL keys have been restored. We apologize for any inconvenience![/strike]
Best Regards,
CAPCOM USA Customer Support
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