
American Camper Simulator

Refurbish an old camper. Give it a spin on a selected stretch along the Route 66. Show off your camper to other tourists during your camping holiday, to sell it at a profit. Expand the business and earn money; have crazy and sometimes dangerous adventures in the USA in your subsequent camper.

[h2]The first DevLog of American Camper Simulator[/h2] [h3]We will start our journey together through the making of this nostalgic game![/h3] At the very beginning, important information - as fans waiting for the game have already noticed, we decided to change the name of the game from "Camper Flipper" to "American Camper Simulator". This is a symbolic but significant change for the philosophy of our production. We decided to take this step because during the work on the game we decided to rework the pillars to make sure that it would meet our assumptions and allow you to fully feel the atmosphere of camper life. We decided to focus primarily on the repair and renovation of our vehicle, references to storage wars and, last but not least, the aspect of experiencing adventures in our favorite camper. The name "Camper Flipper" suggested gameplay focused mainly on economy and vehicle development. Changing the name of the game to "American Camper Simulator" allows us to highlight the most important features of the production. Faithful reproduction of the interaction with our camper and visiting the attractions of America. Speaking of which, we're happy to let you know where our game is set. The player in "American Camper Simulator" will experience adventures along the legendary Route 66. It is the longest tourist road, running through several states. Along just one road, we can meet hundreds of pop-cultural attractions, monuments and get to know dozens of cultures. It is visiting Route 66 that will allow the player to learn more about the charms of America closer and immerse himself in the life of a good citizen who lives the American dream. [b]Thank you very much for your attention and we hope to meet you in the campgrounds of America.[/b]