Realms Deep 2023 & Development Update

They Speak From The Abyss: Zenith

A standalone prequel to They Speak From The Abyss. Travel through the realm of despair and head towards the Zenith point. In the distance lies the mighty mansion Melancholia. Will you only find glory, agony, or freedom?

[h2]REALMS DEEP 2023[/h2] We are [i]thrilled[/i] to have [b]Zenith[/b] chosen to take part in [url=]Realms Deep 2023[/url]! This project has always been rather niche. So having an event as prominent and well regarded as Realms Deep single us out is both incredibly flattering, and motivating!! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44163707/053a529d3eb9c00b757e16db5d238f4c71a59835.png[/img] We fully intended to have a playable version available for this event. Our apologies to anyone who landed on this page from the "Games with Demos" category. I don't think there's any way to drop out of that list at this stage?? The [i]why[/i] is a bit longer of a story... [h2]DEVELOPMENT UPDATE[/h2] [b]Zenith[/b] is a standalone Prequel to [url=]They Speak From The Abyss[/url]. This isn't a glorified demo, uploaded as a "Prologue", which has become a rather common developer trick here on Steam. While [b]Zenith[/b] features locations and character from the Main Game, it is fully it's own game and experience! [h3]Zenith will no longer be free[/h3] Our initial decision to make this Prequel available for Free was made when the game was a fraction of it's current size. [b]Zenith[/b] was originally conceived [u]7 MONTHS[/u] ago!! The project has grown a LOT since then! As an example, the game now features over [b]50 unique monsters[/b], and [b]30 originals tracks[/b] in the OST. With a growing scope, a challenging move to a new city mid-development, followed by Unity fully melting down - we had to re-evaluate a lot of things. It was decided that development will continue in Unity (starting over would be too costly), but not after [i]weeks[/i] spent agonizing over whether that was still feasible. Especially when Free releases could potentially end up [i]costing[/i] money to release with Unity's new Runtime Fee. That situation is a mess... It took quite some time to come to terms with it - but [b]Zenith[/b] will now be a paid release. We promise the price tag on this game won't break the bank! It will likely be somewhere close to $5 at launch. No release date is set - and unfortunately due to missing our original release target, we are unable to change it to anything other than the "Coming Soon" you currently see. A demo is in the works, and will be announced on [url=]Nikki's twitter[/url] as soon as it's available! And be sure to [u][b]Wishlisht[/b][/u] the full game so you are notified for it's full release! -Graeme (2 Left Thumbs)