A short delay...

They Speak From The Abyss: Zenith

A standalone prequel to They Speak From The Abyss. Travel through the realm of despair and head towards the Zenith point. In the distance lies the mighty mansion Melancholia. Will you only find glory, agony, or freedom?

We regret to share that the game will not be releasing today. However, the Steam page is locked in at "July 17th", and we are unable update the date at this time. Steam stops you from doing so to avoid developers abusing the system, with their game continuously being promoted in an "Upcoming" release state. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44163707/5f3ae9ce7872be29063deb9a1defdb1a523f3da8.png[/img] The long and short of it is that [b]Zenith[/b] is [i]substantially[/i] larger now then when it was first planned. It has served as a sandbox of development: testing, altering, refining and generally experimenting with mechanics and concepts. But that doesn't mean we want to rush out a buggy build, with corners cut. You have all been so wonderfully supportive, and deserve the best! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44163707/28ea6c56f949cc3246492ab771f5bdc6929c3ab9.png[/img] This [u]Free[/u] standalone title (it will remain Free!!) is our opportunity to refine the mechanics and vision that will serve as the foundations for the full [b]THEY SPEAK[/b]. Nailing down combat has been the greatest challenge. This was always planned, but was never a part of the original Demo last year that jumpstarted this entire series. It's been a complicated beast to wrangle, and your feedback given for Zenith will be invaluable for enhancing the full game. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2075460/They_Speak_From_The_Abyss/ [i](Coming 2024. Don't forget to add it to your Wishlist!)[/i] Thank you SO much for your patience! [b]Zenith[/b] is being worked on each and every day. [url=https://twitter.com/TheFifthKalpa]Follow Nikki on Twitter[/url] for teases and more regular updates. It's been a hard lesson for all of us, that the home stretch of development is always longer than it appears. We do not want to announce a new date yet, but we are nearing the end! The final scope of the game has been set, and the focus now is on polishing and enhancing that existing content. Thank you again! -Graeme (2 Left Thumbs)