Ready or Not Mapping Competition 2.0

Ready or Not

Ready or Not is an intense, tactical, first-person shooter that depicts a modern-day world in which SWAT police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.

Attention Officers! Today we'll be explaining more about the mapping competition. [h2]Mapping Contest 2.0[/h2] Unlike our first contest where our contestants had the freedom to make whatever their heart desired, the idea this time around would be the create a map that's directly based on an existing map either past or present. From gutting an existing map and completely remodeling it in your image, tweaking it however you see fit or reviving a old map or version of a map with your own twist on it. That being said, the amount of effort taken in the remodel will be taken into consideration. For example, a siege on a freshly repaired and remodeled post-meth head infested Twisted Nerve would be judged much more favorably than Port Hokan with with just a change of weather. Maps that do not meet a minimum threshold of effort [i.e. just increasing the amount of AI on an otherwise stock RON map] will not be considered as valid entries. No matter the option a mapper chooses, the maps themselves can be either ripped from the game and modified or reproduced from ripped assets but the core idea is that the maps must be based on an old or current VOID Map. For the ease of use, all past maps and blockouts are free game for the competition. [hr][/hr] As with the last competition, there will be a cash payout for our winners with more prize support coming as we secure it. First Place: $3,000 USD Second Place: $2,000 USD Third Place: $1,000 USD [hr][/hr] Further contest rules and submission guidelines are available on our Discord, as well as a continually updated FAQ section. Any questions not addressed there or here are free to be directed to my DMs on Discord or in the comments following this post here. We can't wait to see what our extremely talented modding scene brings to bear this time. [i]Keep your feet on the ground.[/i] VOID Interactive