Ready or Not is an intense, tactical, first-person shooter that depicts a modern-day world in which SWAT police units are called to defuse hostile and confronting situations.
[h1]Dark Waters Release Patch 1 Changelog[/h1]
Here are new fixes and changes in Patch 1 for the Dark Waters Release!
[*] Fixed civilians sometimes failing to seek out the player once Bring order to chaos has been achieved
[*] Fixed final suspect sometimes failing to seek out the player.
[*] Adjusted comply animations to ensure the suspects' weapons do not point at the player.
[*] Increased speed of compliance animations.
[*] Fixed SWAT AI not responding to a breach command when one of them is in the middle of a blocking activity (restraining suspects/civilians, for example).
[*] Fixed suspects being unable to surrender during CS gas stuns.
[*] Fixed civilians exiting surrender while within line of sight of SWAT.
[*] Fixed suspects sometimes not picking up weapons or failing to draw a gun after exiting surrender with no line of sight on SWAT.
[*] Fixed SWAT AI being unable to breach into a room with suspects playing dead directly in front of the door.
[*] Fixed pre-arrested civilians not giving the correct score if collected by trailers before the player can report them.
[*] Fixed trailers standing still when tasked with clearing collected evidence.
[*] Fixed surrendered suspects/civilians constantly standing back up while in CS gas.
[*] Fixed suspects sometimes not being able to shoot after CS gas stun ends.
[*] Fixed CS gas grenades sometimes not affecting AI when deployed via the gas grenade launcher.
[*] Fixed unresponsive confirmation button when deleting loadout presets.
[*] Fixed SWAT AI Officer loadouts resetting to the currently used preset when entering the loadout menu.
[*] Fixed variants of customization items disappearing when hovering over other customization items.
[*] Fixed wrong variants displaying for locked items when the list is scrolled quickly.
[*] Fixed missing highlight from profile button in mods menu.
[*] Fixed missing HUD icon for canted sights on gamepad.
[*] Fixed soft complete vote counter displaying the incorrect number of votes needed to end the mission.
[*] Fixed lobby manager not updating while open.
[*] Fixed various titles and descriptions in the gamepad settings.
[*] Fixed arm slightly clipping through the Atlas Pro shirt while holding certain guns.
[*] Fixed Judge’s big head clipping through the Eli-Tec helmet.
[*] Fixed being unable to unequip the headphones when using no helmet.
[h2] Audio [/h2]
[*] Fixed interactables on Mirage at Sea and Leviathan sometimes causing all VO to drop until level restart.
[*] Fixed incorrect VO when ordering SWAT to deploy shield.
[h2]Level Specific:[/h2]
[h3]3 Letter Triad[/h3]
[*] Fixed light in one of the large rooms disappearing at a distance.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[*] Adjusted door collision to allow all doors to be pushed open by walking into them after peeking them.
[*] Fixed missing puddle footstep audio.
[*] Fixed certain doors not generating audio.
[*] Fixed heads intersecting with hats on certain suspects.
[*] Fixed suspects' chest rigs sometimes clipping into their body armor.
[*] Fixed music sometimes not beginning as intended.
[h3]Mirage at Sea[/h3]
[*] Fixed scuffed interior lightmap.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[*] Fixed only being able to perform orders from one side on a certain doorway.
[*] Fixed bullets being unable to penetrate double stacked breakable glass.
[*] Fixed missing facial animation from civilian.
[*] Fixed various small floor gaps.
[*] Fixed missing audio when shooting aquarium.
[*] Fixed TV on boat playing Home Invasion audio.
[*] Fixed music sometimes not beginning as intended.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[*] Fixed suspects being able to engage players in two of the levels' spawn points.
[*] Made dead guy less happy.
[*] Made radio effect more prominent during on of the interactable audios.
[*] Fixed SWAT using wrong voice lines when shutting down the drill.
[*] Fixed missing reaction volumes.
[*] Fixed suspect LOD issue.
[*] Fixed music logic, which caused combat sections to be skipped.
[*] Fixed rig worker VO sometimes not firing for clients in multiplayer.
[*] Fixed certain characters' shadows appearing incorrectly on Epic shadow quality.
[*] Fixed LOD issue on one of the evidence boards.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[*] Fixed missing face on one of the characters in certain station commander mode sublevels.
[*] Rearranged certain character voices.
[*] Fixed one of the conversations triggering outside of the intended room.
[*] Fixed shiny gore on low/medium shadow quality settings.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[h3]Buy cheap, buy twice[/h3]
[*] Fixed car price meshes and decals levitating when car windows are broken.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[h3]Sins of the father[/h3]
[*] Fixed various LOD issues.
[h3]Ides of March[/h3]
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[*] Fixed various visual issues.
[*] Fixed being able to get stuck between a rock and a wall.
[h3]Thank you, come again[/h3]
[*] Fixed silent character.
[h2]Miscellaneous Fixes:[/h2]
[*] Fixed various AI, UI and Audio related crashes.
[*] Fixed crash caused by picking up door jams.
[*] Fixed rare crash on Rig.
[*] Fixed helicopter tracking arrested targets.
[*] Fixed being able to freelean through certain level geometry.
[*] Fixed lobbies sometimes incorrectly appearing as not joinable in the main menu.
[*] Fixed incorrect naming scheme on certain customization item unlock requirements.
[*] Fixed typos/grammar issues in various briefings.
[*] Fixed not having access to Command Wheel on gamepad during a specific section of the Training.
[*] Fixed carried bodies being rotated incorrectly.
[*] Fixed freelean not working on gamepad.
[*] Fixed minor animation issue during one of the conversations in Station.
[*] Smoothed helicopter movement for clients in multiplayer.
[*] Improved hand poses during surrender animations.
[*] Fixed an unintentional way of being able to obtain the “Big Shell Specialist” achievement with arrested suspects.
[*] Fixed evidence models in Station being overly shiny and dark.
[*] Fixed head attachments offsetting while using the multitool on doors.
[*] Fixed white phosphor NVG overlay not working for clients in multiplayer.
[*] Fixed teamcam appearing during the score screen, if opened prior to reaching the score screen.
[*] Fixed helicopter sometimes being too quiet on spawn.
[*] Fixed going back in Command Wheel making player lean on gamepad.
[*] Fixed camera placement of boat loading screen.
[*] Fixed visual issues during boat loading screen on lower graphics settings.
[*] Fixed animation issues with Zenit grip.
[*] Fixed certain suspects having floating magazines.
[*] Fixed various animation issues of pistol wielding suspects.
[*] Fixed modio failing to uninstall mods after unsubscribing.
[*] Fixed Phoenix Flight Suit having incorrect unlock requirements.
[*] Fixed flashlight appearing overly bright for one frame when activated for the first time in a level.
[*] Fixed special characters being displayed incorrectly in the credits.