Re:Legend Patch Update 16.3.10 (updated on 5/2/2021)


Adventure with friends in a beautiful world of wonder and fantastic creatures. Build, craft, farm and fish, as you raise and breed amazing pet companions!

[h1][b][u]Current Version 16.3.10[/u][/b][/h1] [h2][b]UI/UX Changes[/b][/h2] 1. Shortcut key changes: [list] [*] Remap Multiplayer Chatbox to ENTER key [/list] 2. Switching scenes no longer requires to press F, yes, no more pressing button to change scene, yay! 3. New Save Game & Multiplayer functions from ESC menu so you can hop on to multiplayer anywhere, anytime! 4. Reduce movement speed while holding farming tools in Farming Area to make farming more accurate and less frustrating! 5. Improved Combo Attack’s animation and target aiming. [h2][b]Emilia General Store Update[/b][/h2] 1. Reduced shop level requirement for Backpack M & L [list] [*] Reduced level requirement by 1, can be purchased in level 1 and 2 shops now. [*] Reduced Backpack M & L item price to 10,000G and 20,000G [/list] 2. Added new Storage Upgrade item [list] [*] Buying this will add another page to the storage at the player's home. [*] Can be bought 18 times to a maximum of 20 pages in storage [*] Storage Upgrade will start at 5000 Gold, and will increase by 500 Gold for every purchase. [*] Once the maximum has been bought (18*), it will disappear from the shop. [/list] [h2][b]Item Crafting Enhancement[/b][/h2] 1. Crafting List ingredient changes [b]Razestorm Mail[/b] [b]Rizestorm Plate[/b] [b]Rizestorm Greatsword[/b] Sandbillow Carapace -> Karvillion Claw [b]Razestorm Helm[/b] [b]Razestorm Dualswords[/b] [b]Rizestorm Helm[/b] Sandbillow Horn -> Karvillion Horn 2. Improved Crafting Score formula [list] [*] Player with high crafting lifeskill level able to craft Pristine quality now [/list] [h2][b]Lifeskill Changes[/b][/h2] 1. Adjusted Eating lifeskill SP gain [list] [*] max SP gain per level, 10 -> 5 [/list] [h2][b]Magnus Stat Changes[/b][/h2] 1. Dreadclaw Dislike Item [list] [*] Removed Land & Aqua Crops from dislike item [*] Added Magnus Drops as dislike item [/list] 2. Dunewolf Evolution Food [list] [*] Premium Raw Meat -> Jigil [/list] [h2][b]Magnus Party Buff Balancing[/b][/h2] [b]Dracoclaw[/b] Physical Attack 15 -> 10 [b]Dracogre[/b] Defense 15 -> 10 [b]Dracophene[/b] Physical Attack 15 -> 10 [b]Dracofang[/b] Physical Attack 20 -> 15 [b]Dracolem[/b] Defense 20 -> 15 [b]Dracoralth[/b] Magical Attack 20 -> 15 [b]Dracorneus[/b] Physical Attack 20 -> 15 Magical Attack 20 -> 15 Defense 20 -> 15 [b]Blipling[/b] Stamina 10 -> 6 Magical Defense 10 -> 6 [b]Blip[/b] Stamina 15 -> 8 Magical Defense 15 -> 8 [b]Blipking[/b] Stamina 20 -> 10 Magical Defense 20 -> 10 [b]Moota[/b] Health 10 -> 5 [b]Mooshi[/b] Health 15 -> 10 [b]Moofarro[/b] Health 20 -> 15 [b]Seacolt[/b] Stamina 10 -> 6 Magical Attack 5 -> 10 [b]Seamare[/b] Stamina 0 -> 8 Magical Attack 0 -> 15 [b]Seagasus[/b] Stamina 0 -> 10 Magical Attack 0 -> 20 [b]Dazeclaw[/b] Health 5 -> 10 Magical Attack 5 -> 10 Physical Attack 5 -> 10 [b]Direclaw[/b] Health 10 -> 15 Magical Attack 10 -> 15 Physical Attack 10 -> 15 [b]Dreadclaw[/b] Health 15 -> 20 Magical Attack 15 -> 20 Physical Attack 15 -> 20 [b]Brattus[/b] Physical Attack 10 -> 6 Stamina 0 -> 6 [b]Brattex[/b] Physical Attack 15 -> 8 Stamina 0 -> 8 [b]Brattorg[/b] Physical Attack 20 -> 10 Stamina 0 -> 10 [b]Babybit[/b] Magical Attack 10 -> 5 Speed 0 -> 6 [b]Jellybit[/b] Magical Attack 15 -> 10 Speed 0 -> 8 [b]Gumbit[/b] Magical Attack 20 -> 15 Speed 0 -> 10 [b]Bushwacker[/b] Speed 25 -> 5 Stamina 0 -> 5 [b]Bushboxer[/b] Speed 25 -> 10 Stamina 0 -> 10 [b]Bushbrawler[/b] Speed 25 -> 15 Stamina 0 -> 15 [b]Shroomie[/b] Magical Defense 1 -> 6 Magical Attack 0 -> 6 [b]Shroomu[/b] Magical Defense 15 -> 8 Magical Attack 0 -> 8 [b]Shrooma[/b] Magical Defense 20 -> 10 Magical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Shroomo[/b] Defense 20 -> 10 Magical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Triemer[/b] Defense 10 -> 6 Health 0 -> 6 [b]Revolmer[/b] Defense 15 -> 8 Health 0 -> 8 [b]Gyramer[/b] Defense 20 -> 10 Health 0 -> 10 [b]Fangmist[/b] Critical Chance 10 -> 6 Critical Attack 0 -> 5 [b]Spikemist[/b] Critical Chance 15 -> 8 Critical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Spearmist[/b] Critical Chance 20 -> 10 Critical Attack 0 -> 15 [b]Nerlict[/b] Critical Attack 15 -> 5 Stamina 0 -> 6 [b]Megalict[/b] Critical Attack 20 -> 10 Stamina 0 -> 8 [b]Overlict[/b] Critical Attack 25 -> 15 Stamina 0 -> 10 [b]Duskel[/b] Magical Defense 20 -> 5 Health 0 -> 6 [b]Dusknight[/b] Magical Defense 25 -> 10 Health 0 -> 8 [b]Dusklord[/b] Magical Defense 30 -> 15 Health 0 -> 10 [b]Oriton[/b] Defense 0 -> 6 Magical Defense 15 -> 6 [b]Ceraton[/b] Defense 0 -> 8 Magical Defense 20 -> 10 [b]Kiloton[/b] Defense 0 -> 10 Magical Defense 20 -> 8 [b]Teraton[/b] Defense 0 -> 15 Magical Defense 25 -> 10 [b]Megaton[/b] Defense 0 -> 10 Magical Defense 25 -> 15 [b]Windhorn[/b] Physical Attack 50 -> 5 Defense 50 -> 5 [b]Furyhorn[/b] Stamina 0 -> 8 [b]Wardhorn[/b] Defense 15 -> 10 Health 0 -> 8 [b]Greenhorn[/b] Physical Attack 15 -> 10 Health 0 -> 8 [b]Raginghorn[/b] Stamina 0 -> 10 [b]Shieldhorn[/b] Defense 25 -> 15 Health 0 -> 10 [b]Verdanthorn[/b] Health 0 -> 10 [b]Tritanhorn[/b] Health 0 -> 15 [b]Shellbee[/b] Magical Defense 10 -> 5 Critical Attack 0 -> 6 [b]Shellbarb[/b] Magical Defense 15 -> 10 Critical Attack 0 -> 8 [b]Shellblitz[/b] Magical Defense 20 -> 15 Critical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Pastrene[/b] Stamina 10 -> 6 Magical Defense 0 -> 5 [b]Pastrovia[/b] Stamina 15 -> 8 Magical Defense 0 -> 10 [b]Pastrelle[/b] Stamina 20 -> 10 Magical Defense 0 -> 15 [b]Wilkling[/b] Health 10 -> 5 Stamina 0 -> 5 Magical Attack 0 -> 5 [b]Wilk[/b] Health 20 -> 10 Stamina 0 -> 10 Magical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Wilker[/b] Health 30 -> 15 Stamina 0 -> 15 Magical Attack 0 -> 15 [b]Humbird[/b] Stamina 15 -> 5 Magical Defense 0 -> 6 [b]Hymnbird[/b] Stamina 20 -> 10 Magical Defense 0 -> 8 [b]Gustbird[/b] Stamina 20 -> 10 Defense 0 -> 8 [b]Ariabird[/b] Stamina 25 -> 15 Magical Defense 0 -> 10 [b]Galebird[/b] Stamina 25 -> 15 Defense 0 -> 10 [b]Dunepup[/b] Speed 25 -> 5 Physical Attack 0 -> 5 [b]Dunepooch[/b] Speed 25 -> 10 Physical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Dunehound[/b] Speed 25 -> 15 Physical Attack 0 -> 15 [b]Dunewolf[/b] Speed 25 -> 15 Health 0 -> 15 [b]Sarvillion[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 5 Defense 0 -> 6 [b]Marvillion[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 10 Defense 0 -> 8 [b]Karvillion[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 15 Defense 0 -> 10 [b]Sabuk[/b] Magical Attack 0 -> 5 Magical Defense 0 -> 5 [b]Sabuk Blader[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 10 Critical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Sabuk Archer[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 10 Critical Chance 0 -> 10 [b]Sabuk Mage[/b] Magical Attack 0 -> 10 Critical Attack 0 -> 10 [b]Sabuk Knight[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 15 Critical Attack 0 -> 15 [b]Sabuk Ranger[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 15 Critical Chance 0 -> 15 [b]Sabuk Lich[/b] Magical Attack 0 -> 15 Critical Attack 0 -> 15 [b]Sabuk Champion[/b] Physical Attack 0 -> 20 Critical Attack 0 -> 15 Critical Chance 0 -> 15 [b]Cragriz[/b] Health 0 -> 5 Stamina 0 -> 5 Physical Attack 20 -> 5 [b]Ragriz[/b] Health 0 -> 10 Stamina 0 -> 10 Physical Attack 25 -> 10 [b]Agriz[/b] Health 0 -> 15 Stamina 0 -> 15 Physical Attack 30 -> 15 [h2][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h2] [list] [*] [PC][Farm][Functionality]Player is able to place the items on the bed in house [*] [XB1][Design]The arc is clipping at vokka beach for the beach day festival [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Other player's Magnus is noticed upon entering into the Barn [*] [PC] Other players in different barns can be seen when local player enters their own barn [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Other player thumbnails are missing from client invitation while accepting quest [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Shadow Magnus appears to be of normal color for other players [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Player appears to fall out of the world while in the loading screen [*] [PC][Multiplayer][UI]Manage party window overlaps in background with invite friends [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Health bar is reduced to 80% or 50% for enemy Magnus during blips vs Pruni quest for random clients [*] [PC] [Multiplayer] Unable to throw fish to pond and aqua farming items are invisible for the first time switching to MP [*] "[PC][Multiplayer] Only the first player who enters the zone is able to tame the Magnus [*] [PC][EA[Multiplayer] Non-host player can't tame Magnus" [*] [PC][Multiplayer] ESC is not working if clients quit MP and enter SP for clients [*] [PC][UI][Intimacy] Rose thumbnails fails to update to new art in the database and minimap [*] PC][XB1][Collision]Player gets stuck in a specific area of momochi nest [*] [PC][EA] Character gets stuck when magnus faints while mounted. [*] Player stuck outside of traversable terrain, noclip into a clipped region that should not be there [*] [XB1][Intimacy] All the wild magnus doesn't attack the user in the intimacy quest 'WARRIOR PRINCESS' [*] [PC][Gameplay] Player is unable to navigate from west coast to Town Entrance upon mounting on magnus [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Player gets Out of the World on Switching to Multiplayer using Pause Menu [*] [PC][Multiplayer][UI] Inventory Magnus icons are carry forwarding on the loading screen [*] [PC][Functionality] Stamina can be restored without time passing at Hotsprings [*] [PC][EA] Dracoclaw model is missing a "face" (polygon) on its second from top neck spine [*] [PS4][Graphics] One of the Magnus Mob is invisible during the Heart of the Forest quest [*] [PC][EA] Autostack in inventory "shift+click" doesn't work if there's a gap before the item you're trying to stack into. [*] [PC][Multiplayer][Design]Host send to hospital If any of the clients dies during the spiky mushroom quest [*] [PC][EA] Storage stacks do not update immediately [*] [PC][Multiplayer][A.I]The magnus of all the players gets stuck after the final form of seth boss cutscene [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Mazuel final form art appears for the client at the town center [*] [PC][Multiplayer] "Seth" boss Ice Rocks VFX is not visible for the client during 'Sibling Confrontation' quest [*] [All platforms][Multiplayer] Boss Seth in tundra biome attacks only that player who hits him first and does not target other player [*] [Switch/ XB1][Multiplayer][VFX] "Mazuel" attack animation and VFX is not visible for client during "Mazuel" boss fight [*] [PC][Multiplayer]The main and mini bosses health reduces automatically after the cutscene [*] [PC][Design][Mp]Sunken Boss Hp is not decreasing for one of the client while attacking [*] [PC][XB1][Design] Players are able to feed dead fishes [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Multiple issue are noticed for the clients in the festival Lantern Light [*] [PC][Multiplayer][Design] Multiplayer button in pause menu is not enabled even after unlocking guild house [*] [PC][Gameplay] Player is unable to navigate from 'Hall of trials' to 'Everdust tomb' in desert biome. [*] [PC][Design] Shadow isle is unlocked for host and client1 in MP session and for client2 and client3 is locked [*] [PC][Functionality][MP]The chat window can be closed using the 'I' keyword [*] [PC][HUD]'Mini Map', 'Inventory' and 'Chat Window' closes automatically upon invoking in MP session [*] [PC][Fish] Large fish does not disappear from players inventory after consuming it [*] [PC][Design] Sabuk Mage magnus present inside Library for clients during Trails of Intelligence quest [*] [PC][UI] Preview image of Wilkin magnus is missing from partners tab [*] [PC][Gameplay]The blocking object is invisible for the player in the courtyard at the desert biome [*] [PC][EA] Riding on Cralitus causes character to freeze up [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Title softlocks for host when client faints during dark past quest [*] [PC]EA] Airy Oblong Stacks not working properly [*] [PC][Functionality] Player are unable to pick dropped items upon mounting Dune Wolf Magnus [*] [PC][EA] Dracoralth's celestial skin doesn't show up [*] [PC][Multiplayer][The Final Battle]: Client is able to access the Locked dungeon Path while the Host is still in the Cutscene [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Player can invite a client to multiplayer session without unlocking guild house [*] [PC][EA] Dracofang farm ability issue [*] [PC][Design] If host completes Zan tribe dance before client, client is dragged in between and gets stuck [*] [PC][EA] Key Binding freeze the game [*] [PC][Gameplay] Mouse Click icon is noticed during harvest festival cutscene [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Multiple issue are noticed for the clients in the festival Lantern Light [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Host and the random clients get softlock upon selecting Cancel option during Kairoot festival invite popup [*] [XB1][Gameplay]The title soft locks after accepting the kairoot festival in the town square [*] [PC][Multiplayer] [HUD] Clients name tags are not visible for host [*] [PC][Multiplayer]All clients get "Lost Connection" when one of client leaves the session in 4 player MP [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Magnus and Fishing database is not updating for clients in multiplayer [*] [PS4/PC/XB][Design][Shop] No user info on selecting the grayed out upgrade option when the upgrade is already is in queue [*] [PC][EA] Magnus malfunction in Dessert [*] [PC][Graphics] Shadow variants of Kerapuff and Warpuff has their materials applied wrongly [*] [PC][Graphics] Preview of stage 3 magnus appears out of bound in the inventory under 'Partner' tab [*] [PC][Barn/Farm][Functionality] 'ESC' button in the 'Profile selection' screen of house/barn has no functionality [*] [PC][UI] Buff icon remain on-screen interacting with any NPC dialogue screen [*] [PC][UI] Fish button icon changes to crop button icon on long pressing on fish button in the database [*] [PC][EA] Ore Collision does not unloading for a few seconds after the ore is mined [*] [PC][EA] Item disappeared when trying to drag from backpack to main tool belt [*] [PC][Design] Decorative Axes are cropped while customizing the house [*] [PC][EA] Magnus Logging skill not working [*] [PC][Design] Stamina and Health stats do not increase upon increasing Life skills levels [*] [PS4][Intimacy Quest - Old Scars Resurface][Animation] : Scar is not visible on the Edna's face [*] [PC][Gameplay]The rabbitray fish is noticed in the 'Rare Catch' quest cutscene at the farm [*] [PC][Gameplay]The blocking object is invisible for the player in the courtyard at the desert biome [*] PC][EA] Dunewolf and Dunehound using same Evolution Food [*] [PC][Game design] Town entrance upgraded bridge is not updated for other side town entrance [*] [PC][EA] Item stacks disappear when you put into storage [*] [PC][Text] "Town upgraded" message appears every time player interacts with Caren having town upgrade level to 2 [*] [Global][Weapons] Weapon special ability's Icon is not shown on the HUD [*] [PC][Design] Decorative Axes are cropped while customizing the house [*] [PC][Clipping]The Arc is clipping at the entrance of the courtyard [*] [PC][Graphical]The platform gets corrupted in the seirun hideout at the tundra biome [*] [PC][EA] Building blocking player visual [*] [PC][Graphics]Wilkling magnus basic attack it graphically corrupted and doesn't damage the wild magnus [*] [PC][Quest] Fix an instance of quest issue that automatically progressed without player interaction. [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Fix an instance that cause client missing out cutscene confirmation if the client is loading the game. [*] [PC][UI] Fish Reward screen carry over through out the gameplay upon accepting any quest invitation in Multiplayer session [*] [PC][EA] Game not working for extended screen with different resolution monitor. [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Moku's Conversation is carried over to next cutscene during Kairoot festival [*] [PC][Festival Event] Client does not receive any festival Invitations upon waiting on storage box screen [*] [PC][Items] Item goes missing from inventory if host triggers any festival event, while client exchanging items from backpack to storage box [*] [PC][EA] Participating in summer firework festival twice [*] [PC][Events][Multiplayer] Snow festival fails to trigger on rejecting the festival by host [*] [PC][Shop] Players are unable to Buy and access the items in Emilia's Shop [*] [PC][Multiplayer][VFX] 'Shroomo' boss 'Poison Debuff' VFX is not visible for the client during 'SPIKY MUSHROOM' quest [*] [PC][Design]During the Missing Mayor quest alternative festival organizer doesn't come on stage [*] [PC][Multiplayer]The client doesn't get any damage from mini/main boss battles [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Player's House Customization doesn't update dynamically to the other players [*] [PC][Design] Host house is carried out to one of the client in MP session if client enters the host house and then enters back to own house. [*] [PC][Gameplay][MP]Dual functionality is noticed while pressing esc key during sleeping [*] [PC][Multiplayer][Town Upgrade] Player's town upgrade in MP session is reflecting to all the other players in the session [*] [PC][EA] Town Upgrade get reverted after joining Multiplayer [*] [PC][EA] Death magnus bodies didn't disappear [*] [PC][EA] Wilker riding position issue [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Host and the random clients get softlock upon selecting Cancel option during Kairoot festival invite popup [*] [PC][Graphics]Flickering is noticed on the terrains at the Froz sanctum [*] [PC][Collision]The Christmas tree has no collision with the character [*] [PC][Design]No interaction icon is present for NPC jig and rig at the town center [*] [PC][Gameplay]Duplicate mini boss Shroomo is noticed in the quest 'Spiky Mushroom' [*] [PC][Graphics]Loading icon of quest tab remains on the screen [*] [PC][Inventory] Some items clips into the ground on dropping from the inventory [*] [PC][Farm] Magnus Spawns underwater in a pond [*] [PC][EA] Wilker riding position issue [*] [PC][Text]Wallpaper name and info are overlapped in the furniture section at carpenter shop [*] [PC][Farm][Functionality] Player is able to move the items to areas where camera is not moved [*] [PC][Farm][Functionality]Player art goes missing when player selects any item that has to be place on wall [*] [PC][EA] Magnus buff stay on HUD [*] [PC][Quest] Some of the NPC's appeared in combat area during Into the Storm quest in Multiplayer session [*] [PC][EA] Hawke missing dialogue [*] [PC][Game design][NPC Shops] Player is able to select buy button even after purchasing the item from Carpenter shop [*] [PC][Graphics] Lighting issue is noticed in 'Fountain of youth' location [*] [PC][EA] The icons/textures for the Dunewolf and Dunehound are mismatched. [*] [PC][Graphics]Flickering issue noticed on sunken temple boss room [*] [PC][EA] Dacorneus and Tritanhorn have incredibly low stats after Fusion [*] [PC][EA] New Magnus overwrites old ones in the barn [*] [PC][Graphics]Taming any shadow Magnus character art color changes into orange/black [*] [PC][Animation]Rose intimacy gain animation is noticed after talking with NPC atlas [*] [PC][Magnus][MP]Multiple issue are noticed on Client screen with Host magnus in the MP session [*] [PC][Multiplayer]Magnus and Fishing database is not updating for clients in multiplayer [*] [PC][Multiplayer][VFX] 'Shroomo' boss 'Poison Debuff' VFX is not visible for the client during 'SPIKY MUSHROOM' quest [*] [PC][Multiplayer] Clients does not get wishes UI prompt after the cutscene during Lantern Night Viewing [/list]