Ravenswatch Patch note - Fall of Avalon Version 0.17.00


Fallen heroes of old folk tales and legends: you are on the verge of a crucial battle against the Nightmare invading and corrupting your world. A roguelike action game from the creators of Curse of the Dead Gods©, playable solo or in online co-op.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42625953/e69fcb0c6410ee9594196bc526e5788fec48733a.png[/img] Greetings, Ravens! The Fall of Avalon update is now live on Steam for everyone to enjoy. This major update brings the third Chapter of Ravenswatch: Avalon, as well as the highly anticipated Custom Game Modes! Check the patch note below for the details on the Fall of Avalon update. Passtech Games is beyond excited to release this new milestone in the development of Ravenswatch in Early Access! We are not done yet with Early Access as the team will now focus on version 1.0, a big step for the game and us! You can check our updated Roadmap below for some more details on that. We are already planning the ‘after’ as well, with post-launch support for Ravenswatch. More information on that as we get closer to the final release. In the meantime, watch our Update trailer for Fall of Avalon here: [previewyoutube=HUmQBaBzTBU;full][/previewyoutube] [h1]PATCH NOTE 0.17.00 (April 22nd, 2024)[/h1] 🐦 = Community additions, suggestions, reports [h2]TL;DR:[/h2] Because we know our patch notes are lengthy ones and you probably just want to play, here’s a “too long, didn’t read!” summary just for you: [list][*] Chapter 3 - Avalon: a new map to explore [*] New enemies and mini-bosses [*] The Claws Master Nightmare [*] New themed quest: Help Morgan defeat the Dullahan / Headless Horseman [*] Runs are now 60+ minutes long [*] Reach level 10 (and beyond) in your runs, get more talents and power! [*] Upgrade your Ultimate abilities: 16 new final Talents (two per hero) [*] 8 new standard Talents (one per hero) [*] All starting Talents are available to choose from at the beginning of a run [*] Rerolls! [*] New Magical Objects and a new feature: Super Effects! [*] Reworked Rewards system (Sandman’s Shop, Grimoires of Monsters, economy) [*] Custom Game Modes: Remove the timer, And more! [*] And more![/list] Read the detailed patch note below: [h3]New features[/h3] [i][b]⚠ Disclaimer:[/b] We were not able to add all the localization in time for the update. A patch will add the missing localization as soon as possible. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. [b]⚠ Double Disclaimer:[/b] In addition, some audio or visual feedback may need improvement, we’re looking forward to your feedback on what could be improved! [b]⚠ Triple Disclaimer:[/b] Difficulty progression has been reset following the addition of Chapter 3: Avalon. With a whole new Chapter to explore, we think it is important to relearn the difficulty curve of going through the full experience of a run. Completion Badges are also reset to reflect the increased challenge of the three Chapters. We believe that this is the final reset of Difficulty progression and Completion Badges. Your progression on Heroes and other unlockables is not affected by this reset![/i] [list][*] [b]New Chapter - Avalon:[/b] + A new map in a new location! The gates of Avalon are opening, make your way into the abandoned castle and defeat the Nigthmare’s invasion! + After Chapter Two, continue your journey to Chapter Three, allowing you to reach level 10 (and beyond!) + Runs are now 60+ minutes long with the addition of Chapter Three + 1 new themed quest: Help Morgan defeat the Headless Horseman (Dullahan) + 10+ new enemies: [list][*] Wolves: Timber Wolf, Dire Wolf, Alpha Wolf [*] Gargoyles: Bestial Gargoyle, Fire Gargoyle, Blood Gargoyle [*] Witches: Young Witch, Crone Witch, Broom Witch [*] Knights: Sword Knight, Spear Knight, Mage Knight [*] Skeletons[/list]+ 1 new Mini-boss challenge: Boss Coven + 1 new Master Nightmare: Claws Master Nightmare [*] 🐦 [b]Custom Game Modes:[/b] + Create customizable runs with selectable positive or negative modifiers + Increase or decrease the difficulty of runs with modifiers + A score modifier is applied to reflect your choice of modifiers + 11 Positive modifiers: No timer mode, Play a single random Chapter, Quick Dash cooldown… and more. + 11 Negative modifiers: No Mini-Map, Healing Fountains are empty, No Raven feathers available… and more. [*] [b]Challenges:[/b] 5 pre-made Challenges available + Untouchable + Black Moon + Power of the Sun + Adrenaline + Terra Incognita [*] 🐦 [b]Rerolls: [/b] + Stars of Fate will let you reroll Talents, Magical Objects as well as Rewards at the Grimoires and Wishing Well + You get 3 Stars of Fate at the start of a run, pictured by a shooting star ☄ symbol + More Stars of Fate can be obtained during a run[/list] [h3]Heroes content and adjustments[/h3] [list][*] [b]General: [/b] + Upgrade your Ultimate Abilities with final Talents, now available! + 🐦 All four Starting Talents are now available to choose from at the start of a run + Reach Level 10+ in runs. Levels beyond 10 continue to scale Attack damage and Health points + Dash UI has been reworked to welcome the possibility of having multiple charges. When an arrow (or multiple arrows) is displayed, a Dash is available. [*] [b]Scarlet:[/b] + 2 final Talents:[list] [*] Fiery Maw [*] Bone Cracker[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent: [list][*] Evisceration[/list]+ Adjustments: [list][*] 🐦 ‘Savagery’ timer is now frozen during the Trait passive transformation [*] 🐦 ‘Fan of Spikes’ will now only trigger when Scarlet is in combat [*] Transformation with ‘Shapeshifter’ Talent now grants an Intangibility window instead of an Invincibility window[/list][*] [b]The Pied Piper:[/b] + 2 final Talents: [list][*] Jig [*] Vermin Massacre[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent: [list][*] Sforzando[/list]+ Adjustments: [list][*] 🐦 Reviewed ‘Invasive Blast’ Talent, it now spawns a given amount of rats if Defense hits at least one enemy [*] ‘Ghost Notes’ now ignore scenery collisions before exploding[/list][*] [b]Beowulf:[/b] + 2 final Talents: [list][*] Immolation [*] Volcanic Rage[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent:[list][*] Breath of Fire[/list]+ Adjustments: [list][*] 🐦 ‘Sparkling Shield’ reflects damage reduced to 120%/150%180%/210% (from 200%/250%/300%/350%) [*] Fixed ‘Scorched Earth’: damage is now properly scaled with power damage[/list][*] [b]Snow Queen:[/b] + 2 final Talents:[list][*] Royal Ray [*] Rending Storm[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent: [list][*] Snowball[/list]+ Adjustments: [list][*] 🐦 ‘Freezing Stars’ now detonate (instead of vanish) when their lifetime expires. Reduced lifetime to 10s (from 15s) [*] Fixed Defense, it now correctly applies damage multiple times to the same target, even if the Snow Queen stays within the enemy hurtbox [*] Fixed ‘Protective Crow’ and ‘Ice Shield’ Shields that would override themselves[/list][*] [b]Aladdin:[/b] + 2 final Talents:[list][*] Wondrous Wishes [*] Dream Stride[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent:[list][*] Shard Blades[/list]+ Adjustments:[list][*] ‘Jinniya’s Gift’: changed formula for chances to get better talents, it is now more effective and accurate [*] 🐦 ‘Dream Scimitars’ doesn’t proc anymore during Master Nightmare fights [*] Consumables dropped from Special Wishes now offer a choice between 2 (instead of 3) [*] Fix: ‘Air Dash’ can now properly be chained without any cooldown between two[/list][*] [b]Melusine:[/b] + 2 final Talents:[list][*] Vortex Bomb [*] Crescendo[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent:[list][*] Water Bubble[/list][*] [b]Geppetto:[/b] + 2 final Talents:[list][*] Bomb Reverse [*] High Voltage[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent: [list][*] Explosive Builds[/list]+ Adjustments: [list][*] 🐦 ‘Lightning Rod Dummies’ now triggers lightning strikes after 2-2.5s (instead of 0.5-1s). Base damage set to 28 (from 20) [*] 🐦 Magical Object drops generated from ‘Flash of Genius’ now offer choice among 2 objects (instead of no choice) [*] Slightly reduced recovery time of ‘Nailing Strike’s last attack[/list][*] [b]Sun Wukong:[/b] + 2 final Talents:[list][*] Army of Monkeys [*] Perfect Copy[/list]+ 1 new standard Talent:[list][*] Ōm[/list][/list] [h3]Magical Objects content and adjustments[/h3] [list][*] [b]General:[/b] + Super Effects: Magical Objects now have a ‘Super Effects’ that can be triggered if a collection is complete. A collection is a specific number of identical Magical Objects found in your Inventory. [list][*] Common: 5 identical Magical Objects for a complete collection [*] Rare: 4 identical Magical Objects for a complete collection [*] Epic: 3 identical Magical Objects for a complete collection [*] Legendary/Cursed: Don’t have a ‘Super Effect’ as they are unique[/list]+ Meta: Magical Objects are now all unlocked by default, and are not part of the meta progression. Effects and Super Effects are hidden until equipped or discovered during a game [*] New Magical Objects: + Leprechaun Coin (Common) + Green Armor (Common) + Queen of Hearts Card (Rare) + Charmstone (Epic) + Holy Grail (Legendary) + Raven Effigy (Legendary) + Ring of Dispel (Legendary) + Hungry Grass (Cursed) + Fast-Walker Boots (Cursed) + Balor’s Eye (Cursed) [*] [b]New Effects:[/b] + Goldilocks’ Porridge: Healing Orbs grant STRENGTH for 4 seconds + Fairy Dust: When taking damage, gain 15 SHIELD (Max. every 30 seconds) + Eternal Rose: After DASH, gain +10% Crit Chance for 2 seconds + Golden Egg: Each time Dream Shards are consumed, gain DMG +1 + Oni Mask: DMG +20 for each cursed magical object, VITALITY -10 for each legendary magical object + Baba Yaga’s Mortar: Warns of lethal damage and restores all health instead (only works once) + Mad Hat: Taking damage earns 10% of their value as Dream Shards + Bloody Mary’s Mirror: DMG now counts as ARMOR and vice versa + Cauldron of Dyrnwch: VITALITY +100, all healings are reduced by 50% [*] [b]Removed Magical Object:[/b] + Little Thumb Pebbles [*] [b]Adjustments:[/b] + Voodoo Doll: Extra damage to boss reduced to 10% (from 20%) + Tamatebako: now also grants 3 Stars of Fate (rerolls) + Water of Life: now also grants +25 VITALITY + Witch Broom: extra damage taken reduced to 25% (from 50%) [/list] [h3]General Improvements & Balancing[/h3] [list][*] [b]Rewards and Economy:[/b] + The Sandman:[list][*] ‘Consumables’ have been replaced by ‘Dreams’, a new Reward type only available at the Sandman’s Shop [*] 10 Dreams are available: [list][*] Star Fragment [*] Sand of oblivion [*] Dream of power [*] Dream of invulnerability [*] Rapid Shaping [*] Minor Shaping [*] Major Shaping [*] Sand of Knowledge [*] Grandiose Shaping [*] Stand of Enlightenment[/list][*] Legendary and Cursed Magical Objects can be found at the Sandman’s Shop [*] Prices for upgrading Talents have been adjusted to match the new progression with Chapter 3 and the adjustments on the economy of the game[/list]+ [b]Grimoires of Monsters:[/b][list][*] Grimoires now offer flat stats or rewards instead of the 3 same offers [*] Offers are still scaled with the difficulty of the Grimoire (Green, Orange or Red): [list][*] Health chapter: +X VITALITY [*] War chapter: +X DMG [*] Protection chapter: +X ARMOR [*] Luck chapter: +X CRIT CHANCE [*] Anatomy chapter: +X CRIT DAMAGE [*] Astronomy chapter: +X REROLLS [*] Dream chapter: +X DREAM SHARDS[/list][/list]+ 🐦 [b]Dream Crystals:[/b] Small and Medium Dream Crystals found in between Camps and Activities now drop more Dream Shards to increase their attractiveness + [b]Enemies:[/b] [list][*] Gnolls: Shielded Gnolls now properly deal extra damage when corrupted or under a Strength effect [*] Mini-Boss stagger: In multiplay only, increased the stagger bar on mini-bosses so they're not so easy to stun and a bit more resistant (no changes in solo) [*] Status: Negative statuses on enemies are now displayed above their health bars (Chilled, Weakened, Ignited…) [*] Enraged: The enraged effect on Master Nightmare is now displayed on their Health Bar.[/list][/list] [h3]Fixed bugs[/h3] [list][*] General performance improvements [*] Improved Network Stability (some issues remain and will be our next priority. Please reach out on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2071280/discussions/1/]Steam forums[/url] or [url=https://discord.gg/passtechgames]Discord[/url] if you’re encountering specific problems)[/list] [b]Major[/b] [list][*] Fixed a crash that occurred when accepting a Game invitation on Steam during the loading screen [*] Fixed a crash that occurred with Beowulf and ‘Sparkling Shield” against the Faceless Master Nightmare[/list] [b]Minor[/b] [list][*] Fixed an issue where a Cursed Magical Object could be collected multiple times [*] 🐦 Fixed the intangible Roc Birds [*] 🐦 Fixed an issue where the timer was not the same between players [*] Fixed an issue where a Host player who died in the Altar of Heroes was not redirected to the defeat screen if another player abandoned the run [*] Other minor fixes[/list] [h3]Known issues[/h3] Some issues have been tracked by our testers’ team and will be fixed with following patches. Sorry for the inconvenience. [list][*] No Localization for other language than English and French [*] No code in the lobby may occur for some players: please reach out [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2071280/discussions/1/]here[/url] on our [url=https://discord.gg/passtechgames.com]Discord server[/url] if you’re encountering this issue [*] The ‘Hungry Grass’ Magical Object effect doesn’t work if the ‘Black Lotus’ Magical Object is equipped [*] The ‘Balor’s Eye’ Magical Object doesn’t properly work with abilities that don't directly hit enemies (examples: Scarlet and Geppetto’s bombs) [*] Cinematic issue after killing the Cyclops for peers [*] A sound of healing is played when the custom modifier “Dried up fountain” is selected [*] Witches can sometimes disappear for Peers before they die [*] Softlocks are possible if getting disconnected in co-op while in the inventory [*] Softlocks are possible if the player is disconnected while on the Abandon pop-up box [*] A crash can occur when changing the texture quality (from low to hight) during a run [*] A crash can occur on the Steam Deck while returning to the lobby[/list] [h1]New Roadmap[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42625953/a3626abb42bea7a43a8f63e21fd3ff287a938eb9.png[/img] [h2]Social Channels[/h2] [url=https://discord.gg/passtechgames style=button]Passtech Games Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/PlayRavenswatch style=button]Ravenswatch Twitter[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/PasstechGames style=button]Passtech Games Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/ravenswatch style=button]Ravenswatch Subreddit[/url] [url=https://www.twitch.tv/passtechgames style=button]Passtech Games Twitch[/url] [url=https://www.passtechgames.com style=button]Passtech Games Website[/url] [b]- The Passtech Team 🍉[/b]