Greetings, Ravens!
We're pushing a small patch on all platforms today to fix some reported crashes and issues since the game's launch on consoles. Check the patch note below for the list of changes.
[h2]Patch Note 1.0.07[/h2]
[h3]Fixed crashes:[/h3]
[list][*] Occurring when using Beowulf's Fireball talent during the Epilogue fight
[*] Occurring during the unloading of a run (when finishing a game)
[*] Occurring at the launch of the game on consoles[/list]
[h2]Post-launch Roadmap[/h2]
[h2]Our Latest News[/h2]
December Community Spotlight, to see what the community has been up to:
Announcing our first Hero DLC, which will be free and features two co-op Heroes:
[b]- The Passtech Team 🍉[/b]
[h2]Social Channels[/h2]
[url= style=button]Passtech Games Discord[/url] [url= style=button]Ravenswatch Twitter[/url] [url= style=button]Passtech Games Twitter[/url] [url= style=button]Ravenswatch Subreddit[/url] [url= style=button]Passtech Games Twitch[/url] [url= style=button]Passtech Games Website[/url]