Greetings, Ravens!
We're pushing a new hotfix to resolve more (lingering) issues on version 1.0. Thank you for your patience and support!
By the way! [url=https://twitch.tv/passtechgames][b]Join us today on Twitch[/b][/url] for a session of Ravenswatch Q&As, runs, and the reveal of our Post-launch Roadmap!
[h2]Hotfix 1.0.03[/h2]
[h3]Fixed issues[/h3]
[list][*][b]Crash at launch:[/b] Fixed another crash that was happening for some players when launching the game (right after the Passtech logo)[/list][list][*][b]Crash at launch:[/b] Fixed a crash that would occur for some players if they didn't have the right codecs installed on their computers[/list][list][*][b]Achievements:[/b] Fixed an issue where Achievements could be unlocked with modifiers in multiplayer[/list][list][*][b]Savior of the Day:[/b] [spoiler]Fixed the "Savior of the Day" Achievement that was not unlocking with Aladdin's Revive wish[/spoiler][/list][list][*][b]Outfits:[/b] Fixed an issue where Outfits could be unlocked with modifiers in multiplayer[/list][list][*][b]Scarlet's Hidden Outfit:[/b] Fixed an issue where Scarlet's hidden Outfit could re-lock after coming back to the game[/list][list][*][b]Aladdin's Hidden Outfit:[/b] Fixed the condition where Aladdin's hidden Outfit would not unlock in Adventure mode[/list][list][*][b]Super effect:[/b] Fixed an issue where the super effect of a Magical Object would not be revealed in the current run if the object was met again during the game[/list]
[i]Please note that Outfilts and Achievements are not unlockable with Custom Game Modes (modifiers applied to the run). Previously, a bug could unlock Outfits and Achievements for Peers when Modifiers were used, but not for the Host of the game.[/i]
[h3]Known issues[/h3]
[list][*] Friendslist, Blacklist, and Recent players are not accessible
[*] Crash with Sun Wukong's Transfiguration ultimate
[*] Golden Egg won't display the proper numbers in its description[/list]
[b]- The Passtech Team 🍉[/b]
[h2]Social Channels[/h2]
[url=https://discord.gg/passtechgames style=button]Passtech Games Discord[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/PlayRavenswatch style=button]Ravenswatch Twitter[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/PasstechGames style=button]Passtech Games Twitter[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/ravenswatch style=button]Ravenswatch Subreddit[/url] [url=https://www.twitch.tv/passtechgames style=button]Passtech Games Twitch[/url] [url=https://www.passtechgames.com style=button]Passtech Games Website[/url]