Rampage Knights on Nintendo Switch

Rampage Knights

Rampage Knights is a cooperative beat 'em up game mixed up with randomized dungeon crawling and exploration, which you can play alone or with a friend online.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32938877/558e970bcc5dcc47ec5c3abf97be645df94d16cc.jpg[/img] We have just released our first game on Nintendo Switch! Rampage Knights are available on Nintendo eShop right now with a discount. Go grab it, if you want to experience some serious hack 'n' slashing on this awesome platform! Nintendo eShop US: https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/rampage-knights-switch Nintendo eShop EU: https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/Rampage-Knights-1497572.html