Railroader 2024.4.3


You and your fellow railroaders are the lifeblood of your railroad, just like it is the lifeblood of the communities it serves. Switch cars at industries. Keep people moving while running local passenger trains. Run trains with a purpose in transition era Appalachia – in Railroader!

A few more bugfixes and enhancements: [list][*] Improved AI behavior when approaching speed changes, particularly for longer trains. [*] AI Engineer no longer e-stops when cutting off as a helper. (RR-40) [*] Station Agent windows: expanded freight car catchment of Whittier to include Connelly, Bryson - Walker, Alarka Jct - Fontana, Almond - Wesser, Nantahala - Hewitt, Topton - GCRR. (RR-416) [*] `/tp` command: renamed "logcamp1" to "walker", added "connelly". (RR-115) [*] Added train length in feet to HUD data. (RR-83) [*] Improved flickering lights in areas like Bryson (which has a lot of lights) at higher quality levels by increasing maximum lights per object on Medium, High, Very High, and Ultra quality settings. We plan to look at ways to further improve this in the future. (RR-203) [*] Removed unused Cowee Bridge Site. (RR-125) [*] Fixed cars sent for coal at East Whittier getting lost if Sylva is unlocked while they are away. (RR-470) [*] Fixed cars that are away appearing in Station Agent window. (RR-471) [*] Fixed diesel stands and water columns appearing when they have not been purchased, since 2024.4.2. (RR-472)[/list]