Races in Class of Heroes 2G: Remastered, Part 2

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/294a5172be12c2bd77dffc5a20b5880c4cfba8d7.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/b704c021f1a911ea05ab34c70884594a2d1a5572.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/a5f336f2145a0e6b12bc20b9c9b7e179664c38e1.gif[/img] [b]Elves[/b] are commonly known as a [b]well-balanced[/b] race, often likened to [b]Humans[/b], but with distinguished characteristics of [b]pointy ears[/b] and [b]glorious hair[/b]. While they do share similarities with [b]Humans, Elves[/b] place notable emphasis on their [b]wisdom[/b] and[b] faith[/b], reflecting their spiritual inclinations. Their [b]vitality[/b] ranks as their [b]lowest statistic[/b], and their[b] HP growth[/b] progresses slower than that of other races. These factors present a challenge for [b]Elves[/b] when considering frontline positions. They can enrol in a variety of classes such as[b] Common, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, Ninja, Idol,[/b] and [b]Summoner[/b], allowing them to further develop their skills and abilities. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/fb6eae9e69d6cc2a4847bff06ef5e90feab2fc84.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/655f40b39fa43787d4597ad05abfbb36bdc5bc33.gif[/img] [b]Gnomes[/b] may seem like they are ready to charge into battle, but they are most likely to trip over their own feet! They have significantly [b]low strength[/b] and [b]lacklustre HP growth[/b]. But fear not! These little blue-haired guys are known for their [b]excellent wisdom[/b] and [b]faith[/b]. This makes them awesome candidates for the backline! [b]Gnomes[/b] are known to be [b]invisible spirits[/b], this comes in great when they can showcase their[b] levitation act[/b] in dangerous parts of the labyrinths, avoiding [b]shock tiles[/b] on both the floor and walls. These are the only Race that can avoid all shock waves. To add to this, they can also enrol in courses like [b]Common, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Idol, [/b]and [b]Alchemist,[/b] helping them stumble into greatness. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/cdf919f95a28f8b2b364db20e85ee6baac4f39b3.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/fd530885c980610792114acc95fd61c149258f5f.gif[/img] [b]Fairies[/b] may look all [b]magical[/b], but their skills lie in [b]agility[/b] and [b]luck[/b] rather than spellcasting. This makes them ideal for mastering [b]agility-based [/b]and the art of [b]thievery [/b]majors. Enrolling them into a variety of classes, like [b]Common, Fighter, Ranger, [/b]and [b]Idol[/b], will allow their skills to improve and help them become the masters of mischief! Just like their diminutive cousins, the [b]Gnomes, Fairies[/b] can also use their [b]wings to levitate[/b]. This will give them an advantage when dodging pesky [b]shock tiles[/b], but be aware, they can only avoid the ones on the ground. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/57abda4a10a65820649feccde2da4ff1bdf07a95.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/1ac21e16d76c734260882011cebd95d27c3d8531.gif[/img] The celestial beings known as the [b]Celestia [/b]Race have exceptionally [b]high faith statistics[/b], making them the epitome of perfect healers! Entrusting them with your party's well-being is a no-brainer, which is why keeping them safely tucked away in the backline is the most sensible choice. This race has the most [b]delicate look,[/b] with majestic [b]wings[/b] and a light [b]ability to float[/b]. Enrolling them into classes, [b]Common, Fighter, Mage, Swordsman, Ninja, Idol,[/b] and even [b]Fallen Angel[/b], can help unleash the heavenly chaos they hold. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/278a88793c0d8aaed56a500aa3494e7168da2f7f.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44758764/495f6230905edfe2dc996f3709f95972f670b242.gif[/img] [b]Khulaz[/b] are graced with remarkable [b]agility[/b] and [b]luck statistics[/b]. They are the ultimate team players, destined to be the squad's most loveable mascot! These little bundles of Luck are short but mighty and often seen wearing their signature [b]beany hats[/b] into battle. With this cozy attire, they are offered the chance to enrol in a variety of classes, such as [b]Common, Fighter, Ranger, Puppeteer, Ninja, Idol,[/b] and [b]Geomancer.[/b]