Quick update about state of RoDaR

Road of Dust and Rust

Road of Dust and Rust is a tactic car battle game, where you will gather a gang of post-apocalyptic cars and clash with other factions to find your place at the wasteland.

Hi! I hope you didn't loose hope for Road of Dust and Rust (because I am not). Two years ago I said I need to finish another game with investor in order to secure funding for this one. So, long story short, a month ago I released Katana Kata in Early Access - it's a souls-like game, where not only your timing matters, but also directions of strikes. You can check it out here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1177610/Katana_Kata/ It didn't get a lot of attention, but got some really positive reviews, and since the end of January I fixed a lot of bugs and problems (so now I have the confidence to show it here). I will probably work on Katana Kata for a few months to polish it enough for the full release, but you can check it out already - it would be a big help for me to continue RoDaR development properly, if Katana Kata become sustainable. Cheers!