Just another car

Road of Dust and Rust

Road of Dust and Rust is a tactic car battle game, where you will gather a gang of post-apocalyptic cars and clash with other factions to find your place at the wasteland.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32135366/b575d1b39db937ae9a05fe781619bba3b4f6d939.jpg[/img] I think we can all agree - making our own combat vehicle is the main reason to wait for Road of Dust and Rust. We have 8 car bases and a dozen of tuning parts you can combine at this stage of development, so I have enough materials to make a weekly post even if we move release date to a next decade (hopefully, we are not). And a little bit of explanation: You can put an enemy prisoner on a cross, so his faction will try to rescue him before destroying this vehicle. It's kind of post-apocalyptic insurance.