Quick Patch Notes v0.0.6.32

Hard Chip Playtest

[list] [*] FIX FET bad shape central gate was conducive to neighbor; [*] FIX FET shape check regression; [*] MI Online level validation cleanup; [*] UX Trace block is selected in the build menu when exiting the edit mode (exception when exiting to delete mode); [*] UX Touch-ups on alignment indicator; [*] UX Alt delete mode restores the mode it was before switching to it; [*] UX Adding block align helper; [*] UX Disableable double right-click to edit mode; [*] UX Settings UI is slightly oversized for settings label; [*] NEW Custom challenges save "drive" pngs; [*] MI L shape can be inverted with right-click when adding blocks; [*] FIX missing blocks when laying long trace lines; [*] NEW Auto pick input blocks; [/list]