Quick Patch Notes v0.0.6.17

Hard Chip Playtest

[list] [*] NEW Show best ghost from Perf report window; [*] NEW 4 best ghosts saved when one of the 4 metric is beaten; [*] NEW Comparer mode with transparency slider; [*] NEW Negative number representation with 2s complement, usable in some challenges; [*] NEW Challenge type: play with inputs to finish; [*] NEW 8bit signed challenge; [*] NEW 8bit value inverter challenge; [*] NEW 8bit Adder Substracter challenge; [*] NEW Adding schematics for AdderSubstracter, ValueInverter; [*] NEW 2 more save slot; [*] NEW 16bit Adder bonus; [*] UX y/n enter/escape shortcut on exit modal; [*] UX Clicking graph to compare with best solutions; [*] UX Align helper reworked from playtest session; [*] UX Show check/cross on expected numeric output (not only bit value); [*] SX Remove missleading instruction on build up; [*] SX Challenge tweaks; [*] MI Tutorial doesn't save bests; [*] MI Reference Pass update ok; [*] FIX Inverter tutorials don't share savefile anymore (only copied once between challenges); [*] FIX Z-fighting with ghost and everything else; [*] FIX Right click to cancel input/output picking; [*] FIX Picking input/output hitboxes issue; [*] FIX Expected value indicator order; [/list]