Quick-Fix (v1.09) for Commandos 2 – HD Remaster released

Commandos 2 - HD Remaster

Relive the real-time tactics masterpiece that defined the genre like no other: Commandos 2 - HD Remaster is a true homage to one of gaming’s most celebrated masterpieces.

Commandos, Once again, thank you for your feedback so far. We’ve been hard at work improving the game and we’re delighted to announce another quick-fix, launching today. This focuses on one major issue reported by users: ‘infinite loading time after saving’. Check out the list below for more details. [h1]Fixes:[/h1] [list][*]Fixed: Flamethrower no longer goes through walls (it bounces). [*]Fixed: Saved game issues reported by some users have been fixed - please note, some saved games MIGHT still be corrupted but new saves will no longer have this issue. [*]Fixed: Enemy view-cones will now correctly display over water.[/list] [h1]Added[/h1] [list][*]Added: Footprints! When a commando walks on snow or sand, footprints are now clearly visible for a short time.[/list] Thank you again for your ongoing support and please do feel free to continue sending through your feedback. Yippee Entertainment & Kalypso Media