Quality of CoOp Life Update

Fortune and Gloria

Grab your trusty assault rifle, a handful of grenades, and get ready to be dropped off in the hot zone to rescue as many hostages as you can, taking out any enemies you encounter, before beating the boss and getting on the chopper heading off to the next mission.

We've made a few quality of life changes that should improve the gameplay experience, especially for co-op, and overall make Fortune & Gloria more fun to play. The main changes include: - Reduced loading times for levels - Reduced damage from explosions and gas clouds - Increased chance of health packs dropping - Additional visual and audio indicator when enemies are killed - Camera follows lead player better in CoOp - Player in CoOp who goes off-screen will be teleported near lead player - Increased chance of attack helicopter or tank appearing in levels There was also an engine update and a few settings tweaks. If you've not yet purchased Fortune & Gloria, we will be putting the game on sale soon, so keep an eye out for that.