PVKII Update Released

Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II

Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II pits three teams against each other in a struggle for wealth, power and total domination. Whether using the Gunpowder Keg to clear out a territory full of enemies, or the Javelin to pin your dead foes to a wall, you'll find this game both hilarious and exhilarating.

An update to PVKII has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart the game. Server owners, please update your servers. [h2]End of MacOS support[/h2] Due to lack of engine support, we will be unable to ship Mac builds going forward. You can read more about it [url=https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/issues/481]here[/url]. Previous MacOS builds have been deprecated, and are unable to join updated servers. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [list] [*] Added Captain voice lines when parrot dies [*] Added a death knell hitsound that plays on a killing blow [*] Added entity “logic_ruleset”, that allows gameplay cvars to be set for the duration of the map [*] Added server-side “pvk2_support_helper” command (prints OS and CPU information) [*] Atlatl darts are now hidden when the Bondi is out of ammo [*] Fixed caltrops slowing Huscarl and Gestir during their specials [*] Fixed movement speed while blocking with a shield [*] GrogBot chatter is now only displayed in offline bot games [*] Hitsounds now scale in pitch depending on how much damage is done [*] Internet servers with bots are hidden from browser for now [*] Kicking no longer plays a hitsound [*] Offline bot games no longer appear in the server browser [*] Renamed “Casual” ruleset to “Classic” [*] Restricted the server to only being able to execute commands marked with FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE [*] Ruleset is no longer displayed in the loading dialog [*] Small improvements to Javelin and Throwing Axe animations [*] Support helper now recognizes Windows 11 [*] Tweaked how long GrogBots chase enemies [*] Updated the friendly fire hitsound [*] Updated the headshot hitsound [*] te_cara rebuilt with correct cave lighting [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [b]General:[/b] [list] [*] Clash stun reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds [*] Removed shield bash special multiplier [/list] [b]Artisan Pistol:[/b] [list] [*] No longer has spread while aiming down sight [/list]