This one might be a bit controversial, as there are quite a few changes to both the stick feel and player movement. Be assured though, they are all made with competitive play in mind.
[h2]Here's what's changed:[/h2]
[*] Added additional colliders for both Blue and Red goals so players can no longer be pushed inside and get stuck
[*] Added additional server logs to track player progress during phase changes
[*] Converted all Rigidbodies to Speculative collision detection (this will solve the puck seemingly passing through stick & leg pads at high speed)
[*] Reworked stick ray logic which now makes the stick more accurate when sliding, also extending it's reach
[*] Reworked stick -> board collision logic
[*] Reworked all player colliders which is especially important for goalies, making saving shots easier
[*] Reworked puck collider to be less rounded, hopefully improving shooting accuracy
[*] Reduced collider poly count massively by separating & simplifying collider models
[*] Reduced bounciness of boards by 50%
[*] Reduced base turn speed and slide turn speed to midpoint between last update and current
[*] Reduced drag and weight of the puck to midpoint between last update and current
[*] Increased stamina drain while sprinting
[*] Increased sprint acceleration
[*] Server name & player count is now visible in the scoreboard
[*] Your local player will be shown in a lighter team color in the minimap instead of white
[*] Standardized all team colors in the UI
[*] Remove restriction on special letters from chat (such as cryllic, and other language specific letters)
[*] Set chat input limit to 128 characters
[*] Adjusted physical goal frame colors to match UI color scheme
[*] Minimap will now always render the puck on top the players
[*] Added `/vs`, `/vw` and `/vk` shortcuts for chat commands
[*] Fixed all remaining memory leaks
[*] Fixed an issue where self-hosting a Puck server would not allow LAN connections to join
[*] Fixed issue with 8888 port being taken by Fanatec (and other) apps, therefore server browser was unavailable
[*] Fixed a few errors in the server browser causing some servers to not show up
[*] Fixed a `/votekick` exploit where players could rejoin the server to cast additional votes (now votes are unique by Steam ID)
[*] Fixed an issue where the player score in the scoreboard would not be cleared when starting a new game with `/votestart`
[*] Fixed a bug where pucks wouldn't spawn in practice mode sometimes
[*] Fixed an issue where pressing T while entering a server password would open the chat
[*] Artificially increased visual representation of global stick sensitivity to make transition from last update less jarring