Afterimage is a hand-drawn 2D action adventure that emphasizes fast-paced combat with diversified character builds, non-linear levels, and a gripping story set in the ruins of a fantasy world.
Dear adventurers,
We’re excited to announce that Afterimage’s [b]VERY FIRST[/b] public playtest is now open for signup! Go to our Steam page to register, and get ready to dive in the world of Engardin on [b]March 23rd[/b]!
Meanwhile, our Kickstarter campaign pre-launch page just went live. Support the team by following the project on our [url=]Kickstarter page[/url]. The campaign starts simultaneously with the playtest on March 23rd. The pledges include backer-only access to the Beta test, and various of exclusive player [b]customization opportunities[/b].
[h2]Why Kickstarter[/h2]
Currently the development is at 60% of completion thanks to the diligent work by the teams. Our main goal of this crowdfunding campaign is for a bigger launch on PC and consoles with multi-language support. Console porting and quality assurance can be time consuming, so the extra funding provides us more flexibility to polish the game to meet the full potential.
We value our community’s [b]first-hand feedback[/b] throughout the development. Becoming a backer means easier approach to the dev team while receiving production progress in a regular basis.
You may find our social links at our[] official website[/url]. Follow Afterimage on [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] and join our community on [url=]Discord[/url] and [url=]Reddit[/url].