Progress: what is done and what is being developed #5

Star Survivor

Star Survivor is a space-themed survival game that blends intense deckbuilding strategy. Pilot humanity's last spaceship through the vast galaxy, Unlock powerful weapon combos, collect card modules, and craft unique builds. As the enemy swarms grow denser, will you be the last one standing?

[h1]Possible memory leak found 🥳[/h1] QA found a few possible reasons that could affect performance and will dive into fixing them soon. Not to speak the TOTAL tech jibberish: [list] [*] Damage numbers are popping up too much. [*] Too many physical bodies that could be substituted by 2D for the collision. [*] Game constantly recording and reporting data. [*] Enemy model processed separately and not in batches. [*] Background stars were way too detailed. [strike]Yes, there are stars you could not even see[/strike] [*] Background asteroids were actually ... 3D models.[/list] Another funny finding was that Chinese players could not input any text in the game 😰 Because the possible options were not shown 💀 And that the game was triggering China's biggest antivirus as a "network threat". [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42597184/489bc2bb8c71f1a92c46c5e4d5dcbe31f3dc803f.png[/img] [h1]DevReview Patch Notes[/h1] [h3]New Features:[/h3] [list][*] 🆕 [b]pickup[/b]: [b]Damage buff[/b] (orange orb)[/list]Doubles all weapon damage for 10 seconds increased with general upgrade) [h3]QoL improvements:[/h3] [list][*] [b]Dynamic asteroid drops[/b][/list]Item drop depends on the game's state. Drop rate is still at 4%, but the Chickens will drop more often if health is low, green orbs will drop if there are many uncollected exp gems. [list][*] [b]Green orb collects EXP from the entire map[/b] [*] [b]Elites now drop only blue or orange orbs[/b] [*] [b]More exp drop from higher tier enemies[/b] [*] [b]Turrets of the same type will no longer target the same enemy[/b] if possible[/list] [h3]Weapons Rebalance:[/h3] [list][*] [b]Reroll cost[/b] 🔽at start: 5 to 3 [*] [b]Shotgun[/b] 🔺starting firepoint: 4 to 5 [*] [b]Tesla coil[/b] 🔽cooldown: 2 to 1.5 sec [*] [b]Ion trident[/b] 🔽firing arc: 30° to 15°; 🔺base damage: 10 to 15 [*] [b]Railgun [/b] 🔺base damage: 20 to 40; 🔽cooldown: 5 to 3 sec [*] [b]Flak turret[/b] 🔺base damage: 7 to 10; 🔺base radius: 1 to 2; 🔺+25% base burn chance [*] [b]Flak cannon[/b] 🔺base damage: 15 to 20; 🔺base radius: 2 to 3, 🔽fire range: 30° to 20° [*] [b]Auto turret[/b] ❌starting burn chance: removed [*] [b]Particle collider[/b] 🔺base pierce: 100%; ❌pierce upgrade card removed [*] [b]Black hole generator[/b] 🔺base pierce: 100%; 🔺+damages enemies at the center [*] [b]Spiral ion disk[/b] 🔺base damage: 5 [*] [b]Cruise missile[/b] 🔺damage radius: 1 to 2 [*] [b]Rocket barrage[/b] ❌ground fire chance: removed; cooldown: 🔽4 to 1.5 [*] [b]Fighters[/b] 🔺base speed: 3 to 4 [*] [b]Tesla orb[/b] 🔺base damage: 10 to 15 [*] [b]Ion fence[/b] spawn range: 5m away - quadrant direction [*] [b]Proxy mine[/b] 🔺starting duration: 5 to 7 sec, 🔺damage radius: 2 to 3 [*] [b]Orbital mines[/b] 🔺starting max limit: 8; 🔽deploy speed: 4 to 3 sec [*] [b]God beam[/b] ❌starting burn chance: removed; 🔺cooldown 5 to 6 [*] [b]God strike[/b] 🔺damage: 10 to 20, 🔽cooldown: 3 to 2[/list] [h3]Bugfix:[/h3] Fixed Tesla attack speed not applying to Tesla orb As always: 🎮[url=]Wishlist & Follow on Steam[/url] 👾[url=]Join Discord to talk with dev[/url]