In a world of ice, the last human city is tearing itself apart. Explore the underbelly of a monstrous metropolis in a surreal adventure about everything and nothing.
Greetings from your Ghost in a Bottle corporate overlords,
We're happy to announce that Octopus City Blues was selected to receive funding and support from the [url=]Midgame Fund[/url], a group of Dutch developers who invest in locally developed games (and octopus city simulations that are totally not games, obviously). This isn't a publishing deal, and the developer-friendly [url=]terms[/url] of the Midgame Fund guarantee that we still have full control over the amount of obscene tentacle puns we can fit into the simulation, so please put down those torches and pitchforks.
So what does it mean for you? Mostly a much higher possibility to receive the full version sooner than you would've without this funding. The money will allow our main developer to work full time on finishing the simulation, while getting valuable advice from a group of accomplished game developers. The lack of dedication and time has always been the limiting factor in development, so with this we'll literally have no more excuses!
[i]Kaf's room over the years[/i]
The majority of this month and some of the next month will be spent talking to people in the Midgame Fund and drafting a more detailed and realistic plan for the next year. One of the things that might change is whether we still need to split the project into two parts, or if it can be released as one simulation. There are several considerations to each option and it has an effect on whether you'll get to play (a public version) next year or in 2023. Expect to hear much more on that in January's update.
That's all for now. Let us know what you think or if you have any questions.
We'll leave you with a hastily put together [url=]trailer[/url] we did for [url=]PitchYaGame[/url]. Nothing you haven't seen before, but it's been a while since the last one. Check out our new [url=]landing page[/url] too!
[i]Credit goes to [url=]Finbeard[/url] for the awesome concept art of Kaf that appears in this update's cover image.[/i]