In a world of ice, the last human city is tearing itself apart. Explore the underbelly of a monstrous metropolis in a surreal adventure about everything and nothing.
To those who dream of octo hellscapes,
Last year was a special year for Octopus City Blues. The funding and advice provided by [url=]Midgame Fund[/url] allowed us to fully concentrate on development, and we got a lot done. The focus was on wrapping up 8 story quests, implementing the remaining mechanics (tentacle watering, day progression, saving/loading data), and making it easier to test/debug our work. What's left is finishing and testing 6 quests + the ending.
We also released a couple of builds for play testers in 2022. In addition to fixing many bugs and making things more intuitive, the feedback resulted in new features such as highlighting nearby exits, or allowing Kaf to take a nap.
Throughout last year, we closely followed a road map with the goal of releasing the simulation in Q4 2023. That's still our goal, but only if we can release something that's not buggy or incomplete. As always, we'll keep you updated in the coming months, and will announce a more concrete release date once we're closer to the finish line.
If everything goes according to plan, we'd like to release a demo for the summer edition of Steam Next Fest. Additionally, one more play testing session is planned closer to the final release.
Thanks for your patience and support. We're almost there!