Progress Transfer Update - Train Sim World 2 To Train Sim World 3

Hello everyone, The team have been hard at work over the past few weeks, and we’re happy to confirm that Xbox, PlayStation, and Steam players will be able to transfer their Train Sim World 2 progress over to their Train Sim World 3 game from Early Access this Friday (2nd September). [h3]This includes:[/h3] Driver Profile and levels completed on existing content Livery Designer creations Scenario Planner creations Creators Club uploads [h3]How to transfer your progress:[/h3] [olist] [*] Open up Train Sim World 3 [*] Log into your Dovetail Live Account [*] Select ‘Import Existing Profile’ when you first log in [*] Once this is done, on your first log-in you’ll be asked if you want to select ‘Beginner’ and go straight into the Training part of TSW3, or you can select ‘Experienced’ and jump straight to the menu if you’ve played before. [*] If you’d like to import your profile later on, you can – as shown on the images below. [/olist] Note: if you have two profiles of the same name, you won’t be able to import the Train Sim World 2 profile of the same name. If you find that is the case, just delete the Train Sim World 3 profile, and the old profile should be available to import. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/02ac31b0b450ab233689a1791738b3c123f35864.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/fce6e4b3b9c6d129f8787f2e7cdae693a558e27c.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/760a110f15392879b7a3821e99facc4728e6116e.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/90c05bc819e7b829ed8a04e221742ea69d8eb117.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/a6e04b52bd09e57ab14ee826d8f6a4b94573b376.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/601c0bb3b3eae0935558f4ef9d89d983001839e7.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38006524/bf6705749e1314302bae893d042184a0cea2e718.jpg[/img] Note: At this stage, Epic Games or Xbox for Windows (PC) players will not be able to transfer progress. Train Sim World 3 Standard Edition and Deluxe Edition are available to pre-order now on Steam, PlayStation, Xbox (Deluxe Only), and Epic Games Store. When you pre-order on your selected store you will have 4-day Early Access to Train Sim World 3 as well as a bonus decal pack to use within the livery editor to share on Creators Club, the home of player customization in Train Sim World. Regional Editions will also be available to purchase on September the 6th.