Post Release Patch #1

[img][/img] [b]Hey there people trash!![/b] It's nearly 24 hours since we released our caged animal called Wolfstride into the wild. And let me just say, friends, we are so so grateful you have joined us. We gotta thank those who dropped by, mocked us in a nice way, ate all the free snacks then left, and generally supported us by picking up our indie release on day 1. Making games is, well, it's a wild ride, and we're here for it, and here to make it the best game it can be. You have already played more cumulative hours than any of our testing ever could. Literally thousands of hours, and so bugs have surfaced that we wish we could have caught sooner. And there will be more! But for now we've just patched the following: - Fixed invisible wall blocker in Hogs Yard - Fixed keyboard input config on opening splash screen - Fixed freeze problem with Tackle on Wormageddon fight - Resolved some SFX issues - Resolved U.I issues - Other fixes from testing (can't really say without spoiling anything later in the game) That's all for today, but we're still reviewing every comment and every bit of feedback that comes in. If you have additional questions or comments, please join us in the Steam Community chat! If you encounter further bugs, please continue to report them here: - PW