Maybe you’ve seen the oh-so-subtle hints to it on our Twitter page, maybe this is the surprise of the century – but we’re so excited to announce that we’re returning to the Wolfstride world in our brand-new upcoming story-based rogue-like card-collecting game, ZET ZILLIONS!
Explore the universe as Foam Gun on her planet-ship Baby Violence as she searches for a new home for humanity. But beware: the planets you conquer won’t go down without a fight! Upgrade your weapon arsenal, combine your cards, and create chaos in your interplanetary quest and blow your enemies to smithereens!
We’ve even got an early Holiday gift for you – a PLAYTEST that you can take part in (major emphasis on the PLAYTEST this ain’t a Demo). You'll have to do the heavy lifting and KEEP READING TO LEARN HOW TO GET INVOLVED!
With easy onboarding and engaging mechanics, Zet Zillions wastes no time throwing you into action. Think fast and act faster to fight COLOSSAL enemies in epic battles.
Zet Zillions supports a variety of play styles. Experiencing LONG RPG fatigue and looking for shorter, snappier sessions? No problemo. Need to escape a depressing reality, or procrastinate real life important things with longer sessions? We've got you.
Build not one, but many mega decks and strategies on-the-go. You can collect cards after each battle, or purchase them in shops, and use the fusion system to combine them, revealing new, spectacular effects. Conduct bizarre experiments with your cards in hand that may go well or… not so well. Hey, no risk no glory, amirite?
Traverse randomly generated galaxies and visit thrilling locations. Scavenge abandoned shuttles, discover hidden portals, and meet tons of characters while embarking on side quests. Oh, and don’t forget to make good use of your pineapples.
…Pineapples, yes. Why that face?
We want Zet Zillions to be an amazing game, and community feedback and participation is necessary to make this happen. Right now you can sign up to take part in our playtest that we have live RIGHT NOW! Simply download the Zet Zillions Playtest app on Steam and join us on Discord to discuss!
And to be SUPER DUPER CLEAR – the playtest doesn’t have everything that the final game will have, it’s not even a vertical slice of the final experience. It's a playtest playtest, so there’s stuff that’s not final like card art, UI, and card mechanics. And there’s stuff that’s just straight-up not there. Like the end of the game.
You didn’t expect us to spoil the whole thing before the game is even out, right?
We hope that you’re just as excited about Zet Zillions as we are, and we can’t wait to show you more!