Playtest Concluded! (30th - 31st) (Version 0.82.01)


With the world's natural metal sources completely depleted, corporations fight over the rights to massive sinkholes known as "Delves". Team up with players online and build an arsenal before taking on the terrors that sleep deep under the clouds within.

The playtest will be active all of Saturday and Sunday (12/30/2023 - 12/31/2023). If you find any bugs please let me know of them and the steps you used to find them[url=] in the forums[/url]. [h3]Additions[/h3] [b]1.[/b] 4 new unique items now spawn on each floor for a total of 8 items for the first 2 floors. [b]2.[/b] Steam Dash now grants 0.2 seconds of invincibility. [b]3.[/b] Small rock piles now spawn on various tiles. These piles have a 100% chance of granting stone consumables. [b]4.[/b] 3 new tiles added to floor 1. [b]5.[/b] 1 new tile added to floor 2. [b]6.[/b] Passives are added as items unique to your character at the start of a run. [b]7.[/b] A "Last" floor called "End" has been added, this will work as a pseudo [b]sheet[/b] layer, providing a shop that sells impossible or rare weapons to find. This floor will always show up at the end of your run, for this update that end is at depth 3. [b]8.[/b] Liftable rock curios are now attached to certain tiles, providing health or loot for the party if a character has enough strength. [h3]Mentionable Changes[/h3] [b]1.[/b] Multiplayer NPC HP scaling has been reduced to +20% per player. (From +50%) [b]2.[/b] In addition to scaling HP being reduced, knights have also had their health slightly reduced. By about 15% each. [b]3.[/b] Powder Bugs and MudLungs now have a low chance of dropping "mess meat", which can be cooked for extra healing. [b]4.[/b] Healing items across the board have had their healing power increased by 30%. However, their cooked state has remained generally unchanged (Increasing by around 10% at most). [b]5.[/b] Marsh Ballista now has a 100% chance to drop [b]something[/b] on death. Whether it be a consumable or a new weapon. [b]6.[/b] Mudlung health has been reduced to 13 (from 20). This puts them in range to be killed by a single full combo from the worn blade. [b]7.[/b] Joining a room now displays an arrow under your character pointing toward the next tile. Also being more than one tile behind the furthest character will spawn the arrow. [b]8.[/b] Fixed a bug making wandering enemies spawn twice per floor. [b]9.[/b] Your character no longer falls back down after performing a rope climb if you are not looking at the ledge. [b]10.[/b] Hovering your cursor over another player will now reveal their steam name. [b]11.[/b] Spawning into a game in progress will now point you in the direction of the owner of the room. [b]12.[/b] Burning puddles now light you on fire in addition to slowing you by 50%. [b]13.[/b] Powder Bugs now inflict stun instead of freeze. (status effect length reduced to 4.5 (from 6) [b]14.[/b] Ledge hop now works on certain ledges touching the water. [b]15.[/b] Dealing 30% of ANY enemy's health within a few seconds will cause it to stagger. [b]QOL[/b] [b]1.[/b] Abilities have more consistent icons. [b]2.[/b] Stun's text now says "Stun!" instead of "Impact" [b]3.[/b] Button displays on tabs for ToDo(T), Player(P) and escape menu(Esc) [b]Known Issues[/b] (No known reproduction) [b]1.[/b] Camera breaks out of one of the 4 directions. (Happened once ever in the water.) [b]2.[/b] Rare chance for ledge hops to be broken entirely. An error that persists until rejoining the room. [b]3.[/b] Can't attack at certain points. An error that persists until rejoining the room. [b]4.[/b] Rarely weapon fire rates seem to be cut in half upon another player leaving or dying. [b]5.[/b] Chance to be stuck in menu. [b]Working on next[/b] [b]1.[/b] Finishing up on floor 3. [b]2.[/b] Death screen is pretty lackluster at the moment...