Come on down to Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop, for all your roguelite spaceship repair simulation needs! WARNING: Untested genre not suitable for people with tentacles for arms or an aversion to dying horrifically. Side effects include improved reading comprehension under pressure and a furry fetish.
You know the drill – you tell us what's wrong, we make it right, all is forgiven.
To everyone with access to the playtest who hasn't yet got involved, now's the perfect time; we'll be running the playtest until at least the end of the year, while [url=steam://openurl_external/]chillin' at the Discord fireside[/url].
If you're in the US, UK, Canada or Australia and haven't yet signed up, it's not too late – head over to the store page and request access, and we'll grant you entry shortly after.
[*] Fixed full-screen manual scale being too large in small modules.
[*] Manual emissive light now scales with module scale.
[*] Fixed bin entering the aether when dragged offscreen.
[*] Adjusted wire generation logic with intent to resolve modules not correctly interpreting wire layout.
[*] Fixed issues with wires not routing their input correctly.
[*] Fixed sockets for levers not previewing placeable object.
[*] Fixed upgrade description text defaulting to fluid machine description until hovered.
[*] Fixed typo on camera page 4.
[*] Fixed polaroids not saving the correct state.
[*] Fixed removeable levers not updating their function correctly.
[*] Added manual page icon to Tomfoolery module.
[*] Added manual page icon to Cartridge Encoder workshop machine.
[*] Fixed cartridge encoder platformer waypoint to display correct text.
[*] Added Click & Hold Mouse options. When this setting is enabled, a second click is required to release holding. Can be applied either to all module interaction or to movable objects only.
If you use this feature, please provide any feedback on Discord to help improve this, as with any other accessibility features/issues.