Playtest #1 Update #3


Write down what burdens your soul or read confessions by other people.

Just a small update this time: [list][*]Fixed some problematic code that could have caused crashes on first startup [*]Added a notification when hovering over READ that it is currently deactivated (after I got one too many insults that it's not working...)[/list] To everyone who had experienced a crash on first startup: Could you please (after downloading the latest update) delete the following folder and then start the game again. Let me know if you still experience the crash. I couldn't reproduce it on my end but I hope I found all potential causes for it. [b]C:/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Roaming/Confessions[/b] Some more numbers: 191 people have been granted access to the playtest and we're now at 23 confessions. Keep it going! :) Peace & Love, Patrick