PlayStatus - Media & Controller Battery Overlay

Enhance your gaming with PlayStatus! Get real-time battery alerts for DualSense, DualShock 4, Xbox & Nintendo Switch Pro controllers, along with music notifications! Xbox 360 and DualShock 4 controller emulation is supported, ensuring your controller will always work, no matter the game.

Hey there! Recently returned from vacation and started work on improving the music player and fixing many other issues with PlayStatus! [h2] New Language Support [/h2] [list] [*] Added Russian as a selectable language for PlayStatus. Translation was provided by u/Pokemonultra2 -- thanks again![/*] [/list] [h2] Music Player Fixes [/h2] [list] [*]Fixed multiple issues relating to the spectrum audio visualizer.[/*] [*]Massively improved efficiency of music cache, reducing cache size by upwards of 70-80%.[/*] [*]Fixed multiple issues relating to loading & saving thumbnails for music.[/*] [*]Improved reliability of NPSM (Now Playing Session Manager -- related to audio handling for other music applications outside PlayStatus), although still some room for improvement.[/*] [/list] [h2] Music Player Improvements [/h2] [list] [*]Added a noise gate for the audio visualizer to improve accuracy.[/*] [*]Added support for more EQ filter types including LOW_PASS, HIGH_PASS, BAND_PASS, and NOTCH.[/*] [/list] [h2] UI Bug Fixes [/h2] [list] [*]Fixed multiple issues where controls may not receive hover events.[/*] [*]Fixed panels forcing the application to focus, no matter where the mouse is (i.e., not hovering any window/control).[/*] [*]Fixed cases where PlayStatus would unintentionally refocus/unfocus the window.[/*] [/list] [h2] UI Improvements [/h2] [list] [*]UI has been modified to follow a more 'skeuomorphic' design. This design will continue to be improved in future updates.[/*] [*]Panels can now be dragged by clicking and dragging the 'title' bar (top 15px).[/*] [*]Added tooltips to controls to improve user experience.[/*] [/list] [h2] General Performance Improvements [/h2] [list] [*]Improved performance of multiple GPU shaders, including using precomputed weights for Gaussian based blurring algorithms.[/*] [*]Improved the multithreading ability of multiple parts behind the scenes, including animations for controls, audio processing, and more.[/*] [/list] Keep a look-out for more updates soon!