Playing-With-Fire: Update v1.5.1.3 (Public Testing)

[b]PLAYING WITH FIRE BRANCH ONLY! [/b] We're back with a quick beginning of the year update (Happppppy New Yearrrrrrr!!), with a bunch of little fixes! Sorry we've been a little awol, this break was quite chaotic for the Star Renegades team. We're back now, though! We'll be making our way through the pile of feedback and reports. We hope you all had a fantastic winter break, and we're excited to get back on the Star Renegades train in 2022! [b]Improvements & Fixes [/b] • Bunch of translations for 1.5 content that fell through the cracks. Sorry about that! • Designated all 1.5 dialogues as "chatter" for those playing with "suppress idle banter" • Fixed an issue that stopped the Aegis / Archon combo "Soul Wrath" from functioning • Fixed a string issue where the Guardian Cursed effect text wasn't being properly visualized. • Fixed an issue where you could recruit a second Juggernaut variant if you had a Juggernaut/Guardian progeny (if this issue is active in your current run, you may need to start a new run for it to be truly fixed. If you want to complete your run, though, you can - of course - just opt to not recruit the second Juggernaut) • Dark Paragon / Empath combo showed some broken text for its effect. [b]Bug Reporting [/b] If you are running into issues, you can submit a bug report here: Extra things that will help us fix these pesky bugs: - Screenshots - Detailed step by step instructions on how to reproduce the bug - Your save files (PC only) using CTRL-F12 before or at the moment the bug has occurred. Doing so will create a folder on your desktop called "SR_Bug_Report" that contains your save files and output logs which we can then use to debug the issue. Thanks for your support! - The Massive Damage Team