Playing-With-Fire: Update v1.5.0.4 (Public Testing)

[b]PLAYING WITH FIRE BRANCH ONLY! [/b] Alright! We've got a slew of fixes and some much-requested balance changes and fine-tuning for the Dark Paragon and his progeny! Apologies for the delay! [b]Improvements & Fixes [/b] • One of the Dagan Factory dungeons had interactables floating above the floor. That's now fixed. • Fixed missing last names for the Dark Paragon progeny in the Quantum Synchronizer. • Fixed an issue where the upgraded Marksman Sniper Mode II ability negated the Empath's Inspire power insta-attack effect modifier. • Hooked up statistical and mechanical differences to the Dark Paragon progeny. • Fixed an issue where the Commando/Dark Paragon combo would give armor to enemies. • Squad selection panel is now wider to accommodate extra hero. [b]Bug Reporting [/b] If you are running into issues, you can submit a bug report here: Extra things that will help us fix these pesky bugs: - Screenshots - Detailed step by step instructions on how to reproduce the bug - Your save files (PC only) using CTRL-F12 before or at the moment the bug has occurred. Doing so will create a folder on your desktop called "SR_Bug_Report" that contains your save files and output logs which we can then use to debug the issue. Thanks for your support! - The Massive Damage Team