⚔️ Play your cards with the Vambrace: Dungeon Monarch Demo!

Vambrace: Dungeon Monarch

Deck-building, dungeon defense, and tactical gameplay combine in Dungeon Monarch! Recruit warriors and wizards, buff your heroes, and thrash your foes — summon your dungeon monarch to punish interlopers and defeat enemies to increase your dark powers!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44946660/2731153c73efb6f6daa909ac95cc8e3e482fa23a.jpg[/img] Greetings Dungeon Monarchs! You are the chosen guardian of your missing master's dungeon: equipped with formidable magic and an inexhaustible army of summonable troops that synergize with one another on your mission to repel adventurers, envious rivals, and other deities seeking to invade and raze the dungeon! Take the first steps into this role with our Dungeon Monarch demo! It includes the tutorial and first two main stages including the first boss, running you through the tutorial and teaching you the basic combat mechanics and how the turn-based combat works. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44946660/ac0d5814f25d74d07fc9ff9f872f857d5c2f070c.jpg[/img] So, scroll down the Steam page, smash the green "Download" button and enjoy your first stay in the dungeon. Oh, and it would be super helpful for us if you could share your thoughts and feedback about the demo. We've prepared [url=https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-TgqVNkauUCQb2odBo-1FQQNe-MRAXtEkm6sLIDEAvlUME4ySE44RDc5S0VSTFlXRTlXTUNHQThaSCQlQCN0PWcu][b]an online survey[/b][/url], but feel free to reach out to us [url=https://discord.gg/dvorastudio][b]on Discord[/b][/url], in the comments, or [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2753600][b]in the Steam Community Hub[/b][/url]. And if you're having a good time, please do us a favour and click on "Follow" as well as "Add To Your Wishlist". That would really help us a lot. ❤️ Talk to you again really soon! Minho, Dvora Studio & Headup https://store.steampowered.com/app/2753600/Vambrace_Dungeon_Monarch/