Oh dear Dungeon Monarchs!
Like each and every August, gamescom calls, and we answer: the [b]Vamnbrace: Dungeon Monarch[/b] demo will be playable in Cologne [b]from August 21-25[/b]!
The demo includes the tutorial and first two main stages including the first boss, running you through the tutorial and teaching the players the basic combat mechanics, and how the turn-based combat and the dungeon defense works.
So, if you're planing to attend gamescom, stop by the Headup booth and say "hi"! The booth is part of the Indie Arena Booth, and can be found here: [u][b]Hall 10.2, Booth F010g - E019[/b][/u]:
But all of you who can't come to gamescom need not be sad, because we got you covered: the [b]Vambrace: Dungeon Monarch[/b] gamescom demo is also available for download here on Steam.
[b]The demo was also recently updated; this is the short and sweet changelog:[/b]
[list][*] Missing text issues fixed
[*] Looting system added to the demo
[*] Rewards system added to the demo
[*] The player is now able to walk around the lobby[/list]
So, scroll down the Steam page, smash the green "Download" button and enjoy your first stay in the dungeon. Oh, and it would be super helpful for us if you could share your thoughts and feedback about the demo. We've prepared [url=https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-TgqVNkauUCQb2odBo-1FQQNe-MRAXtEkm6sLIDEAvlUME4ySE44RDc5S0VSTFlXRTlXTUNHQThaSCQlQCN0PWcu][b]an online survey[/b][/url], but feel free to reach out to us [url=https://discord.gg/dvorastudio][b]on Discord[/b][/url], in the comments, and [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2753600][b]in the Community Hub[/b][/url] as well.
See you at gamescom (and in the depths of the dungeon), friends!
Minho, Dvora Studio & Headup