Play the Demo on October 3rd!


As a contestant on a high stakes reality game show of the future, you must survive a dangerous urban environment packed with traps, confounding puzzles, and heavily armed psychopaths. Turn-based combat in hand crafted levels, built for entertainment.

Hey Community! You’ve been asking many questions about the game but the best way to answer them is to GET YOU IN THERE! That’s why we’re launching a DEMO on October 3rd at 7am PDT. so you can get a small taste of Homicidal All-Stars. We’re planning to release at Steam Next Fest, so please tell a friend and stream your favorite moments. We’re on the lookout for the best to share on our channels. In the meantime, we revisited our favorite childhood moments with our latest action-figure trailer. No characters were harmed in the making of this film, except they totally were. You all did this as kids right? Right?... Check it out below. [previewyoutube=N3p35bYGoU4;full][/previewyoutube] We’re sorry that you can’t get one of these incredible action figures, BUT you can get the game soon so please wishlist now!