Planning it all Out

Love Sucks: Night One

Love Sucks is an adult Visual Novel, in which monster-kind has secretly integrated with humanity. Two monster girls, a vampire and a succubus have chosen you to be their date this Halloween! But their motives go beyond just showing you a good time...

Since release, the feedback we've gotten has been almost overwhelming in how positive it is, and all three of us are genuinely touched to hear that you've enjoyed our game so far. All the reviews on Steam, and people that personally reached out to tell us they like Love Sucks, or came to hang out and play video games with us on Discord - you're all awesome! Thank you!! Some of you might have noticed it's been a few days between posts on our [url=]Patreon[/url], not including snuggle between Addy and Sammy. Well, there's a reason! We just didn't have anything to show you, because before we can start making art of all the different scenes and stuff, we need to have those scenes planned out! Night One is a free 2-ish hour game that functions more like a demo for the much bigger game that is the rest of Love Sucks. [url=][img][/img][/url] You see that little blue line in the top left? That's Love Sucks: Night One. Everything else is our ideas for Night's Two and Three, and most of this is Night Two. It will be less linear, and each little block is an idea for a scene, event, or transition between them. Not all of these ideas are going to get into the final script (because good lord, that would be TOO big) but this is just an insight into what we've been busy planning out. (The image is deliberately small and blurred so you don't see the spoilers ;D, it's just so you can visualize it!) There's a lot to do, and our one artist has a lot to draw, and our one writer/programmer has a lot to write and program. How fast the game comes out depends largely on how large our Patreon grows, since she needs to be paid for her work. If we ever go a while without posting any juicy new art on Patreon or Twitter, this is probably the reason, we're working on the game's script! When it comes to releasing date, the goal is some time late this year, but as I said earlier it depends on funding, as well as any of those other hurdles that can happen unexpectedly during the process of game development. To avoid Cyberpunking ourselves, I'm not going to announce a date until I know for sure we're almost ready. Still, we're always available to chat with, ask questions to, or just hang out with us and the rest of our lovely community on our [url=]Discord[/url], and our development updates on [url=]Twitter[/url] and [url=]Patreon[/url]!