Pixelmash is an innovative new pixel art and animation tool based on non-destructive pixelization, perfect for game makers, artists, hobbyists, kids, and lovers of the 8-bit and 16-bit eras.
[h2]New in Pixelmash 2021.1:[/h2]
[b]Particles: Burst and Stream (and Field)
[/b]We've expanded the Particles effect significantly by adding two new types: Stream and Burst. Stream is perfect for sending out particles sequentially from a specific point (think smoke from a fire or bullets from a gun), while burst sends all of its particles at once from a center point (think fireworks). The existing type is now called Field, and it's perfect for effects which cover the whole image, like falling leaves, rain, or snow. To use particles, simply draw an instance of your particle and apply the Particle effect to that layer.
[b]Particles: Randomness, Flicker, and Wobble
[/b]We've also added several new settings for all particle types, including particle lifetime, start time, an emitter randomness slider which lets you control variations for each emitter type, a new Flicker effect which will turn particles on and off over time, and a new Wobble effect which will move particles back and forth over time.
[b]HSV Color Chooser
[/b]We've updated the color chooser with a third color type: HSV! You can toggle between RGB, Hex, and now HSV by simply clicking the label on the color chooser.