PC Patch Notes 2/14/2023

Gotham Knights

Batman is dead. It is now up to the Batman Family - Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin - to protect Gotham City.

[h3]Stability[/h3] [list] [*] Several fixes for crashes in the Open World [*] Fix for the crash related to using Fast Travel Points [*] Fix for the crash that could happen when returning to the main menu [*] Fix for the crash that could happen when using the Text-to-Speech functionality in some options. [/list] [h3] Performance[/h3] [list] [*] Rendering performance improvements [*] Smoothed out delta time fluctuations with and without V-SYNC [*] Streaming time improvements [*] Optimized actor spawn time and performance [*] Various GPU and CPU hitches reduction [/list] [h3]Graphics[/h3] [list] [*] Fix to HDR being improperly set on the not-primary monitor [*] Tweaked scalability settings for graphics settings auto-detection. [*] Fix for some materials being improperly displayed when the anti-aliasing is disabled. [*] The GPU driver check has been added. [*] Several minor fixes to the NVIDIA Ansel mode. [*] Fix for the post-processing options being improperly reset after exiting from the Photo Mode. [*] Several fixes for the shadows being improperly displayed. [*] Fix for some graphical artifacts that could be visible during the Clayface boss battle. [/list] [h3]UI/Input[/h3] [list] [*] Fix for missing SFX in various menus. [*] Several fixes for the input in the Social Wheel menu. [*] Fix for the camera movement in the ‘Map’ submenu. [*] Fix for vanishing header prompts when crafting items [*] Fix for overlapping buttons in tutorials. [*] The ‘Add as Friend’ input has been changed in the Social menu. [*] The ‘Refresh list’ binding has been changed in the Social menu [*] The ‘Revert’ button in the Colorway section of the Styles tab should now have mouse functionality. [*] A separate binding for the Group Social menu tab has been added. [*] Fix for the issue when tutorial popup that did not required input was blocking KBM input in Crime Map [*] Several minor fixes related to the Text-to-Speech behavior in menus. [/list] [h3]Localization[/h3] [list] [*] Several fixes for missing translations in menus. [/list]